- While you were talking with your friend and having fun for an hour, I was working real hard! Are you saying I should have kept calling you until I could reach you?
おまえ、なんだその言い方は。小さな子どもみたいだぞ。いいか。オレは生活費のために一生懸命働いてるんだよ。だからおまえは子どもの面倒を見ろ。どこかに行きたかったら、自分で運転しろ。分かったな!: You should change the tone of your voice. You sound like a little kid. Look. I'm working hard to pay the bill. So you take caare of our kids. You drive by yourself if you wanna go somewhere. Got it?
「ずっと待ってたんだから」だって?冗談じゃねえよ!2~3度電話したけど、おまえ電話中だったじゃないか!どうせまた、友達とでもペチャクチャしゃべってたんだろう!: You made me wait all night, my ass!! I did call you a couple of times, but the line was busy! You must have been talking with your friend or something!
何作るんだよ!おまえオレには嘘つけないぜ。オレはおまえのルームメイトだったんだからな。忘れたか?おまえがピザとフライドポテトを作れるのは知ってる、それだけじゃないか!: What do you cook?! You can't lie to me. I used to be your roommate, remember? I know you can make pizza and French fries, but that's all!
くだらねえ!仕事が面白くないだと?オレだって仕事ちっとも楽しくねえよ。でも生活のために仕事しないといけねえんだよ!それに奥さんと一緒にいる時間が楽しめねえ?おまえオレを怒らせたいのか?どうせオレには、女房もいねえよ!: That's bullshit! Did you say you can't enjoy your work? I don't enjoy my work at all, but I got to do it to pay the bills! You can't enjoy the time with your wife, did you say? Are you trying to mak
一生懸命働いている: be in overdrive
「月20ドルしか請求されないんだと思ってたけど」「私もそう思ったのよ。でもそれは期間限定のサービスだったって言うの」「そんなでたらめ言ってるのか!オレが電話してやる!」: "I thought they were gonna charge us only 20 bucks per month." "I thought so. But they said that was for a limited time." "That's bullshit! I'll call them!"
オレのせいじゃないんだよ!オレは早く帰るつもりだったけど、ちょっと緊急事態が発生して会社に遅くまで残らなくちゃいけなかったんだよ。: It was not my fault! I was supposed to come home early, but an emergency came up and I had to stay until late.
パソコンで一日中おしゃべりし続ける: chatter away all day by computer
オレは行けないよ!おまえ、行けるか?: No, I can't go! Can you go?
ケビンは私の家にやってきて、数時間おしゃべりを楽しんだ: Kevin came around to my place to chew the fat [rag] for a couple of hours.
きっと近々、オレはクビになるんだ… 君に電話して、意見を聞いておけばよかった。: I'll be fired sometime soon... I should have called you and asked for your opinion.
彼女は電話で2時間もおしゃべりをしたということでしかられた: She was scolded for talking on the phone for two hours.
君ねえ、僕らは若いとき、会社のために一生懸命働いたもんだよ。会社に人生を捧げ、それが誇りだった。でも今はなんだ!君みたいな若いもんは企業に対する忠誠心がないんだよ!: You know, we used to work so hard for the company when we were young. We devoted ourselves to the company, and we were proud of that. But look at now! Young people like you don't have any loyalty to
ごめんな… でもオレたち、兄さんたちに会うべきだよ。おまえだって分かってんだろ?: Sorry... But we should see them. You know that, right?
分かってるよ。オレだって楽しみにしてたんだから。でも兄さんと姉さんが来るからさ。: I know. I've been looking forward to it, too. But my brother and his wife are coming.