- You made me wait all night, my ass!! I did call you a couple of times, but the line was busy! You must have been talking with your friend or something!
それなら電話くらいしてくれたっていいじゃない!ずっと待ってたんだから!: Then you could have at least called me! You made me wait all night!
だからずっと待ってたんだけど、いっこうに電話がかかってこなかったのよ。: So I waited and waited and never got a phone call.
おまえ、バカじゃねえの!寂しいからって他の子と出かけんなよ!何か他のことすればよかったじゃないか。オレと遊べばよかったんだよ!: You dumb ass! You don't go out with a different girl just because you are lonely! You could have done something else. You could have hanged out with me!
ああ、もう少しで勝てたんだね!こういうふうに考えてみなよ。おまえたちのチームは、たった2~3週間前から練習を始めたんだろ?それで町内でも強豪のチームにもう少しで勝てたんだ!それってすごいことじゃないか?: Oh, you almost won! Let me put it this way. You guys started practicing just a couple of weeks ago, and you almost beat one of the strongest teams in town! That's really something, isn't it?
おまえが友達と1時間おしゃべりして楽しんでいる間、オレは一生懸命働いてたんだよ!それともつながるまで、オレは電話し続けるべきだったとでも言うのかよ?: While you were talking with your friend and having fun for an hour, I was working real hard! Are you saying I should have kept calling you until I could reach you?
「おまえまだタバコ吸ってんの?もうやめたって言ってたと思ったけど」「そのつもりだったんだけどさあ、そんな一晩でやめられるようなもんじゃないんだよなあ」: "Are you still smoking? I thought you said you already quit." "I was going to, but you know, it's not an overnight process."
何だって?!いいか、番組は11時に始まったんだよ。11時には、もう寝てたんだ。どうして11時におまえは家にいなかったんだ?おまえの門限は10時だろうが?: What?! Listen. The show started at 11, and I was already in bed by then. Why weren't you at home at 11? Your curfew is 10, right?
「3時間もずっと運転してきたんだから、ちょっと静かに座って休みたいんだ」「車の中じゃずっと座ってたんじゃない」: "I've been driving for three hours, so I just want to sit quietly." "You've been sitting in the car all that time."
うん。おまえのこと待ってたんだよ!: Yep. We were waiting for you.
ボブはどうしたんだろうってずっと思ってた。: I have been wondering what happened to Bob.
そう。じゃああんたは彼女でも何でもなかったってことよ。電話番号知らなかったんだから、友達でさえもないでしょうね。あんたはね、ただ夢見てたのよ。: OK. Then you were not his girlfriend or anything. You were not even a friend because you don't know his number! You were just dreaming.
何作るんだよ!おまえオレには嘘つけないぜ。オレはおまえのルームメイトだったんだからな。忘れたか?おまえがピザとフライドポテトを作れるのは知ってる、それだけじゃないか!: What do you cook?! You can't lie to me. I used to be your roommate, remember? I know you can make pizza and French fries, but that's all!
どういう意味よ?私が電話でしゃべり過ぎだって言うの?ママの方がもっとしゃべってるじゃない!: What is that supposed to mean? Are you saying I talk on the phone too much? You talk a lot more than I do.
でも母さんがここに来たら、一部屋だけじゃあ暮らせないだろう… おまえ、働きに出ないか?働きたいって言ってたじゃないか。: But we can't live in just one room if she comes here... Why don't you start working? You said you wanted to work.
どうしてあの仕事引き受けなかったんだよ? いい話だったじゃないか?: Why didn't you take the job? That was a good offer, wasn't it?