活発な意見交換: 1. lively exchange of views 2. lively traffic in ideas 3. vigorous exchange of opinions 4. vigorous exchange of views 活発な意見交換を行う: have a lively exchange of views about〔~について〕 率直かつ活発な意見交換: frank and lively exchange of views 活発な意見の交換: cut and thrust〔討論などでの〕 すべての参加者の大いなる叡知を共有する: share the great wisdom of all the participants gathering here 私は討論での活発な意見交換を楽しんだ: I enjoyed the cut and thrust of debate. その委員会の参加者の間での意思の疎通を阻害する: inhibit communication among participants of the committee 首脳間で非常に率直な意見交換を行う: engage in very candid exchange of views among the leaders 実質的な意見交換: substantive exchange of views 対等な意見交換: equal dialogue 有意義な意見交換: 1. meaningful exchanges of opinions 2. significant exchange of opinions 率直な意見交換: 1. candid dialogue 2. frank exchange of views 非公式な意見交換: informal exchange of views すべての参加者がその発表に深く印象付けられた: All participants were impressed by the presentation. ~のゲストとしてすべての参加者を食事に招待する: invite all attendees to meals as a guest of