- I know. She used to like me when she was younger. She always told me how school was and stuff like that. Now, she doesn't even look at me.
僕の上司だよ。あいつ、僕が無能みたいなことを言ったんだ!僕は無能なんかじゃないぞ!: My boss. She said something like I'm useless! I'm not useless!
エドがやったんだよ… やつ、僕のこといじめるんだ。: Ed did it. He's been bullying me.
実はさ、今週僕の身に特別なことが起こったんだよ。: As a matter of fact, something special did happen to me this week.
なんてこった!何でそんなことしたんだよ?: Jeez! Why did you do that?
本当にそうだったんだ!サッカーの試合があったんだよ!リサのことは、別に大事なことじゃないと思ったから言わなかった。: I did! I did have a soccer game! I didn't tell you about Lisa because I thought it was not important.
「君より背は高くなったけど、僕は僕なんだよ。僕は君の親友だし、僕は君のこと好きだよ。」って言いなさい。そしたらフランクだって分かってくれるわよ。: Tell him that you got taller than him, but you are you. You are still his good friend, and you like him. He'll understand.
そうさ。みんな、パパのこと大好きだったんだぞ!: Oh yeah. Everyone liked me.
どうしてこんなボロボロの車買ったの?これ走りさえもしないじゃないの!」「そんなこと言うなよ!ただ僕より古いものが欲しかったんだよ!」: "What attracted you to this old, run-down car? This doesn't even run!" "Don't give me that! I just wanted something older than myself!"
ほら、君は僕のことを好きなんだよ。僕はだんだん味がでる男だよ。: Come on, you like me. I'm an acquired taste.
なんだよ!そんなこと言うなよ!もう冷たい、冷た~いビール以外のこと、考えられなくなっちゃったじゃないか!: Shit! Don't say that! Now I can't think of anything other than cold, cold beer!
あんなこと言うつもりじゃなかったんだ!口が滑ったんだよ!: I didn't mean it! I just made a slip of the tongue!
違うよ!あいつが先に僕のこと蹴ったんだ、だから僕がぶったの。あいつが悪いんだよ!: No! She kicked me first, so I hit her. It's her fault!
あのねえ。確かに私たち、もう5年も付き合ってるよね。お互いのこともよく分かってる。でもだからって、失礼なことしていいって訳じゃないんだよ!誰があんたにお茶持って行くのが私の仕事だって言ったんだよ?: Look. I know I've been dating with you for almost 5 years. We know each other very well. But that doesn't mean you can be rude to me! Who said it is my job to bring you some tea?
分かった… そんなこと考えないで、ごめんね。そもそも、ここにお互いの彼氏を連れ込まないってことだったんだよね。ごめんなさい。: OK... Sorry that I didn't think about that. First of all, we were not supposed to invite our boyfriends here, so I'm sorry.
うーん、全員が僕の提案に賛成してくれたらいいと思ってるんだよね。でもそんなこと無理なんだろうね?: Well, I was thinking it would be nice if everyone agrees with my proposal. But I guess that won't happen, huh?