- Tell him that you got taller than him, but you are you. You are still his good friend, and you like him. He'll understand.
つまり、僕は君のことを好きなんだ: The bottom line is (that) I love you.
君の言うことも分かるけど、僕はどっちかというと好きなんだよ。: I understand what you mean, but I kind of like them.
ほら、君は僕のことを好きなんだよ。僕はだんだん味がでる男だよ。: Come on, you like me. I'm an acquired taste.
「彼女も意地が悪いな。もっと早く言ってくれりゃいいのに」「無理もないだろ。自分で全部できるって言い切ったのは君の方なんだから」: "That's mean! She should've warned me earlier!" "You can't blame her. You're the one who said you can do everything by yourself."
僕は他の子と付き合ってはいない、それは君の思い過ごしだ。: I'm not seeing another girl, you're letting it run too far.
「彼は私がマイペースだって分かってる」「君のはとろいんだよ」: "He knows I do things at my own pace." "Your pace is too slow."
いや、知らないなあ。僕はただある人に教えてもらったんだ。ある日本人の友達がいて、ただ、その彼女が興奮して言うんだよ「あなたもこれやってみなきゃダメよ。あなたはタヌキなのよ」ってね。だから僕「えっ、何で僕がタヌキなの」って言ったんだ。そうしたら彼女が説明してくれたんだ……動物占いのことをね。: I don't. Somebody just showed me. A Japanese friend of mine sort of, she got all excited and said, "Oh, you must do this. "You're a raccoon." I sort of said, "Well, why am I a raccoon?" And she expl
そうなんだよ。キムが小さい時はさあ、僕のこと好きだったんだよね。学校がどうだったとかさ、そんなことをいつも話してくれたんだよ。今じゃ、僕のこと見向きもしないよ。: I know. She used to like me when she was younger. She always told me how school was and stuff like that. Now, she doesn't even look at me.
でも私のこと好きだって言ってたもん!: But he said he liked me!
お世辞を言ってしまった。友だちのボブが「このネクタイどう?」って聞くもんだから、僕は好きじゃなかったけど、「いいネクタイだね」と答えた: I told a white lie. My friend Bob asked if I liked his new red tie. I didn't really like it, but I said that the tie was nice.
変わってしまったのは君の方だよ。違うかい?: You are the one who has changed, aren't you?
「なんで君のことを話してるって分かったの」「何となくね」: "How did you know we are talking about you?" "My ears were burning."
うーん、今日は君がやってくれるといいなと思ったんだけど。: Well, I was hoping you might do that for me today.
でも彼のこと好きなんだもん。彼と一緒にいると幸せだし、彼もそう言ってくれるの。: But I like him. I'm so happy when I'm with him, and he says the same thing.
僕もだよ。君みたいな人とめぐり会えるなんて、思ってもみなかった。君とは会ったことないけど、でも君を愛しているって分かるんだ。: Me neither. I never thought I could meet someone like you. I've never seen you, but I know I love you.