- It's all hype. Besides, aren't we a little old for that kind of movie?
「それで!?私の考えが気に入らないのね、それに私のことが好きじゃないんでしょ!どうなのよ?!」「落ち着けよ、おまえ。おまえの考えが気に入らないからおまえが嫌いっていうのは、ちょっと拡大解釈だろうが」: "So!? You don't like my idea, and you don't like me, huh?!" "Calm down, honey. I think it's a stretch to say I don't like you just because I don't like your idea.
その地域社会にとってそれが大きなカンフル剤になるんじゃないかな: I think it will be a big shot in the arm for the community.
そのために友達を作ってるんじゃない: That's all the more reason for having friends.〔That's all the more reason to have friends. と同じ〕
旅って人間と文化にもよるんじゃないかと思うの。私たちがタイに行った時は、とにかく物の値段は安かったわ、ちょっと汚かったけど。でもそれでもすごく楽しかった、いい友達と一緒だったし、いろいろと楽しい時間を過ごすことができたから。: I think it also depends on the people and the culture. When we went to Thailand, things were very cheap, although they were a little dirty. But we had a great time because we were with good friends
それはちょっとやり過ぎじゃないですか?: 1. Isn't that a little drastic? 2. Isn't that going a little too far? 3. That's a bit drastic, isn't it?〔非難を込めて。〕
うん。ほら、最近何でも早くて簡単じゃないとダメだろ。子どもたちはそれに慣れちゃってるんだよな。: Yeah. These days, everything must be fast and easy, you know. Kids are used to that.
おだてるんじゃない。/お世辞を言っているだけでしょ。: You're merely [just] flattering me.
宿題やらなきゃ駄目でしょ。/宿題やることになってるんじゃないの。: You're to do your homework.〔親が小さい子どもに、よくこのようなto doを使った言い方をする。〕
うそをついてるんじゃないでしょうね?: Aren't you trying to do a snow job on me?
「昇進を逃してちょっと落ち込んでいるんじゃないか?」「まあ、それほどでもないですよ」: "Well, I guess you feel a bit down on being passed over for promotion, eh?" "That's one way of putting it."
うそっぽいな。/出来過ぎだよ。/ちょっと話が上手すぎるんじゃない。: It's too good to be true! {1}
いいか?おまえは週に3晩くらい出かけてるんだ。主婦として、それはちょっと多すぎないか?毎晩夕食作らなくちゃいけないんじゃないのか?: Look! You go out at least 3 nights a week. Isn't that a little too much for a housewife? Don't you need to make dinner every night?
ちょっとー!あなた!それ、捨てようなんて思ってないでしょうね?: Jeez! Honey, you are not going to throw that away, are you?
えー、魚ってそんなまずくないって。それにさ、考えてみ。魚って脂肪分がそんな多くないからさ、ダイエットにいいんだよ。あんたダイエットしてるんでしょ?: Hey, fish doesn't taste bad. Besides, think about it. Fish is good for your diet because it doesn't have much fat in it. Aren't you on diet now?
それって、仕掛けなんじゃないの。いや、ほら、人の性格を1年の中で分類して、それで……。: That sounds like a gimmick. I mean, what, you just categorize people's personalities within a year and ...