- It was a coed residence, though, so there were boys and girls, but we did a lot of activities together.
いろいろな活動家と一緒に: with an odd collection of activists
そう……いろいろと違うグループがあって、そうしたければある日からどこかのグループの一員にもなれたし、あるいは何でも自分の好きなようにすることができたの。でも日本では気付いたんだけど……女の子も男の子もほとんどが同じ格好をしているのよね。: Um ... we had different groups, and you could, you could join the group one day or, or you could be anything you wanted. But in Japan, I've noticed that... most girls or boys all look the same.
学生用住宅で経験したことは本当に楽しかったとは思うんだけど、ほとんどが1年目の学生で、あと多少2年目の学生がいたっていう感じだったから、みんなあまり勉強の方ははかどらなかったわね。: I think my experience in the residence was a lot of fun, but we didn't get a lot of studying done, because it was mostly first-year students, some second-year students; but people were so interested
男女共学の学校: 1. coed school 2. coeducational school 3. coed〔 【語源】 co-education の省略形〕 4. school for both sexes
共学では男子と女子が一緒に学ぶ: Coeducation is where boys and girls study together.
私たちのキャンプには、男の子も女の子もいたわ。: We had boys and girls at our camp.
男女共学の: 【形】 1. coed 2. coeducational
で、学べることも知識の量もものすごく多かったから、とてもよかったんだけど、そこの学生たちって、すべての時間を勉強に費やしてるんだよね。: I had a great time because there was a lot of learning and a lot of knowledge, but the students spent all of their time studying.
いろいろな活動家とともに: with an odd collection of activists
いろいろな~から選ぶ: choose from a variety of
男女共同学生寮: coed dorm
いろいろな~: a menagerie of いろいろな 1 1. a constellation of 2. a variety of 3. a wide [great, large] variety of 4. all kinds of 5. all sorts of 6. of all kinds 7. of different kinds 8. of different sorts 9. vari
ほかにもいろいろな点が挙げられるが、すぐに気付いた重要な点はこのことだった。: A lot of other things too, but that was the main thing I noticed right away.
旅って人間と文化にもよるんじゃないかと思うの。私たちがタイに行った時は、とにかく物の値段は安かったわ、ちょっと汚かったけど。でもそれでもすごく楽しかった、いい友達と一緒だったし、いろいろと楽しい時間を過ごすことができたから。: I think it also depends on the people and the culture. When we went to Thailand, things were very cheap, although they were a little dirty. But we had a great time because we were with good friends
男女共学の是非: pros and cons of coeducation