- Me, too. When I come home, I'm too tired to clean up. I barely take a bath and clean myself up.
「ちょっとあんた!今すぐ台所とトイレ掃除しな!」「僕が遅く帰ってきたくらいでそんなに怒りっぽくならなくてもいいじゃないか。会議だったんだよ」: "You! You clean up the kitchen and bathroom right now!" "You don't have to be so cross just because I came home late. I was in a meeting."
オレ、掃除サービスを頼もうかと思ってるんだよ。前はさあ、知らない人に家に入られるのがイヤだったんだよ。でも何か掃除サービス以外に方法はないような気がするんだよな。: I'm thinking about getting a maid service. I used to hate that because I didn't want any strangers to come inside of my place. But I feel like I have no other choice.
違うんだよ。僕が連れてきたんじゃないんだ。やつらが僕を見つけてついて来たんだよ!: No, I didn't bring them here. They spotted me and followed me!
キャラメルの箱に入ってきた(おまけな)んだよ。: They came in boxes of caramels.
そうねえ、彼女ってすごく複雑な立場なんだと思う。だって彼女っていわゆる典型的な大統領の奥さんタイプの人じゃないでしょ--自分自身のキャリアとか、出世欲とかが無いような。: Well, I think she's in a very complicated position, because she's not your typical president's wife, who doesn't have her own personal career and desire to succeed.
じゃあ本はどこ?あなたが家に帰ってきた時、本なんて見なかったわよ。: Where are the books then? I didn't see any books when you came home.
「俺って、奴らに嫌われてるんだろうな?」「『嫌われてる』どころじゃないぜ。心底忌み嫌われてるぞ!」: "They hate me, don't they?" "Hate is not exactly the word I'd pick. They really loath you!"
なんか肉っていう気分じゃないんだよね: I'm not in the mood for meat.
それだけじゃないんだよ: It's more than that.
うーん… オレさ、どうしても通勤に車で1時間ってのが考えられないんだよな。オレ、ホント運転嫌いでさあ… これだけは変えられないんだよ。: Well... I just can't think of driving 1 hour to work. I hate driving... Nothing can change that.
うん、試してみなよ!それにさ、インターネットでの出会いって、自分の見た目を気にしなくていいからいいよな。女の子たちはオレ達を見た目で判断するんじゃないんだよ。人柄で判断するんだぜ。: Yeah, you should try! Also, finding someone on the Internet is nice because we don't have to worry about our looks. They don't judge by how we look. They judge by our personalities.
泥だらけじゃない!風呂入っておいで!: You got mud all over! Go take a bath!〔親→子〕
いるけど、もしあなたが家に帰ってくるならルーシーの面倒を見ててほしいの。薬局に行きたかったんだけど、行けないのよ。この子を連れて行けないでしょ。: I am, but if you are gonna come back home, I want you to watch Lucy. I wanted to go to the drugstore, but I couldn't because I can't take her with me.
オレにそんなこと言うなって!オレ、家持ってないんだぜ。アパートだって自分のものじゃないし。毎月600ドル、いまだに払ってるよ。何かオレ、情けないなあ…: Don't say that to me! I don't have any house. I don't even own an apartment. I'm still paying $600 rent per month. I feel I'm miserable...
おまえを助けたくないって言ってるわけじゃないんだよ。: I'm not saying I don't wanna help you.