- push one's way among [through] the crowd
人込みを押し分けて進む: 1. hustle through a crowd 2. jostle one's way through a crowd 3. jostle through a crowd 4. squeeze one's way through the crowd
人込みを押し分けて進む力: steel elbow
人込みを押し分けて行く: shove through a crowd
乗客を押し分けて進む: push one's way through the passengers
暴徒を押し分けて進む: force a passage through a mob
群衆を押し分けて進む: 1. force a passage through a crowd 2. jostle one's way through a crowd 3. jostle through a crowd 4. work one's way through a crowd
押し分けて進む 1: 1. barge one's way through 2. bore one's way 3. one's way through 4. thrust one's way 押し分けて進む 2 【自動】 bore 押し分けて進む 3 【他動】 shove 押し分けて進む 4 shoulder one's way (through)〔~の中を〕 押し分けて進む 5 1. bull
押しのけて進む〔人込みの中に穴を掘るかのごとく〕: 【他動】 bore
人込みの中をくねって進む: snake one's way through a crowd
人込みの中をしゃにむに押し進む: crash one's way through the crowd
人込みをかき分けて進む: 1. elbow one's way through a crowd 2. plow through the crowd
ひじで押し分けて進む: elbow one's way through〔人込みなどを〕
人込みを押しのけるようにして進む: shoulder one's way through the crowd
人込みをひじで押しのけて進む: elbow one's way through a throng of people
人を押しのけて人込みの外へ逃れる: jostle one's way out of the crowd