- I used to hate it, but now I'm hooked on burgers! I can't eat a big chunk of beef, but ground beef is OK now.
前は作ってたんだけど、もうやめちゃった。すごく時間がかかるんだもん!: I used to, but I gave up. It is too time consuming.
それが信じられない話なんだけどね。: 1. You won't believe it. 2. You'll never believe it.
「大丈夫だった? 授業中倒れたって聞いたけど。病院行った?」「ううん、行かなかった。よくあるんだ。もう慣れちゃった」: "Are you OK? I heard you passed out during class. Did you see a doctor?" "No. It happens pretty often. I'm kind of used to it."〔母→子(子どもが授業中に倒れた)〕
本当ね。この子は本当に楽なのよ!何でも食べるから。今日ジャスティンのママに会ったんだけど、ジャスティンはピザかアメリカンドッグしか食べないんだって!: I know. She's so easy. She eats anything. I met Justin's mom today, and she said he eats only pizza and corndogs!
うちの子はニンジンが嫌いなんだけど、目に見えなかったら食べられるのよ。キャロットケーキを作ったことがあったんだけど、すごく喜んで食べたのよ!: My daughter doesn't like carrots, but she eats them when she can't see them. One day I made carrot cake, and she loved it!
今は大丈夫なのか?: Is she OK now?
それがさあ。狩りしてたら迷子になっちゃったんだよね。夜、独りっきりでさ、それですっげえ寒かったんだよ。もう死ぬんだなと思ったんだけどさ、幸い小屋が見つかってさ!そこで救助を待ったんだよ。: Well. I did get lost when I was hunting. I was all by myself at night, and it was freezing cold. I thought I was gonna die, but thanks God! I found a little house! I waited for the rescue there.
メグは衣装をなくしちゃったんだけど、芝居は今夜なのよ。もうお先真っ暗: Meg lost her costume, and the play is tonight. She's up the creek (without a paddle).
そうだなあ、そいつは遊んでるつもりだったと思うけど、ただヤツは自分のことを、一人前のヒョウかライオンみたいに思っていたんだとも思うな。(本当の)大きさなんて、もうほんの…そうだなあ、リスくらいだったんだけどね。: Well, I think it thought it was playing, but I also think it thought it was a full-blown leopard-lion thing, and it was only about the size of a... you know, a squirrel.
両親のそばに住むの嫌だったんだけど、今は本当に気に入ってるの!: I used to hate the idea of living close to my parents, but now I really like it.
「おまえまだタバコ吸ってんの?もうやめたって言ってたと思ったけど」「そのつもりだったんだけどさあ、そんな一晩でやめられるようなもんじゃないんだよなあ」: "Are you still smoking? I thought you said you already quit." "I was going to, but you know, it's not an overnight process."
熱はもうないんだけど、咳が止まらないのよね。: She doesn't have a fever now but she keeps coughing.
私の車が走らなくなっちゃったんだけど、何が悪いのかさっぱり分からないのよね…: My car stopped running, but I have no idea what the problem is...
明日会社来られないかなあ?非常事態なんだよ。お母さんがすごく具合悪いからって、サムはお母さんのところだし、ウィルはまだ休暇から戻ってないんだ。ジョーが明日来るはずだったんだけど、ヨーロッパのお客のところにまだいるんだよ!: Will you come to work tomorrow? This is an emergency. Sam is out of town because his Mom is dying, and Will is not back from the vacation yet. Joe was supposed to come to work tomorrow, but he's sti
ビスケットって、おいしいんだけど、どうしてこう歯の間にはさまっちゃうかな。: This cookie tastes good. But why does it always get stuck in between my teeth.