- I used to, but I gave up. It is too time consuming.
すごく時間がかかる: 1. take a hell of a time 2. take a lot of time
で……おいしいわよね、ただ思うんだけど、あれってすごく時間がかかるでしょ。ああいうものって、熱い油から揚げたてを食べるのが一番おいしいわけだし……: And ... it's delicious, but I think that it's very time-consuming. It's the kind of thing that it's best when it's right out of the hot oil ...
ダウンロードにすごく時間がかかる: be extremely slow to download
「おまえまだタバコ吸ってんの?もうやめたって言ってたと思ったけど」「そのつもりだったんだけどさあ、そんな一晩でやめられるようなもんじゃないんだよなあ」: "Are you still smoking? I thought you said you already quit." "I was going to, but you know, it's not an overnight process."
もう通り過ぎちゃったんだよ。お前800メートルくらい行ってたもん。: I guess we already passed it. You went more like a half mile.
どこから持って来たか忘れちゃったんだもん。: I can't remember where I got them.
前は大嫌いだったんだけどね、今はハンバーガーにはまっちゃって!牛肉の大きな塊は食べられないんだけど、ひき肉はもう大丈夫なの。: I used to hate it, but now I'm hooked on burgers! I can't eat a big chunk of beef, but ground beef is OK now.
それがさあ。狩りしてたら迷子になっちゃったんだよね。夜、独りっきりでさ、それですっげえ寒かったんだよ。もう死ぬんだなと思ったんだけどさ、幸い小屋が見つかってさ!そこで救助を待ったんだよ。: Well. I did get lost when I was hunting. I was all by myself at night, and it was freezing cold. I thought I was gonna die, but thanks God! I found a little house! I waited for the rescue there.
「なんでそんなに長い時間かかったの!?ずーっとそれやってたでしょ!」「ファイルを間違えて消しちゃってさあ。再入力するのにすごい時間かかったんだよ」: "What took you so long!? You were working on that for hours!!" "I accidentally deleted the file! Took forever to input it again...."
で、学べることも知識の量もものすごく多かったから、とてもよかったんだけど、そこの学生たちって、すべての時間を勉強に費やしてるんだよね。: I had a great time because there was a lot of learning and a lot of knowledge, but the students spent all of their time studying.
うわあ…。いい場所はもう取られちゃってるよ。すごく早く来たんだろうな。: Jeez. The good spots are already taken. They must have come here real early.〔子どもの学校の運動会で場所取りをする〕
だからずっと待ってたんだけど、いっこうに電話がかかってこなかったのよ。: So I waited and waited and never got a phone call.
「ちょっと手伝ってくれない?」「すごく忙しいんだけど時間かかるの?」「すぐに終わるよ」: "Can you do something for me?" "I'm very busy. How long will it take?" "It will only take a jiffy."
しょうがないじゃない!あの子の方が手間がかかるんだもの…: I can't help it. She needs more care.
うちの近所で癌封じを売りにしてたお寺があったんだ。でもそこの住職が癌になっちゃってね。幸い死にはしなかったんだけど、住職が復帰したらそのお寺、今度はボケ封じを売りにしてるんだ。笑っちゃうよね。: There is a temple near my house, which raises money for cancer prevention. One day, the chief priest of that temple himself got cancer. Fortunately he didn't die, but since he's returned to the temp