- There is a temple near my house, which raises money for cancer prevention. One day, the chief priest of that temple himself got cancer. Fortunately he didn't die, but since he's returned to the temple, it now raises money for the +もっと...prevention of senile dementia. I couldn't help laughing when I heard that.
それがさあ。狩りしてたら迷子になっちゃったんだよね。夜、独りっきりでさ、それですっげえ寒かったんだよ。もう死ぬんだなと思ったんだけどさ、幸い小屋が見つかってさ!そこで救助を待ったんだよ。: Well. I did get lost when I was hunting. I was all by myself at night, and it was freezing cold. I thought I was gonna die, but thanks God! I found a little house! I waited for the rescue there.
キム、また一文無しになっちゃったよ。お金、全部使うつもりじゃなかったんだけど…: Kim, I'm out of money again. I didn't mean to spend all the money I had, but...
金曜日はボスが帳簿をチェックする日よ。貸したお金を返してくれなかったら、私首になっちゃうわ: My boss checks the books on friday. If I don't have that money I gave you, I'm going to lose my job.
うーん、採用したかったらしいけど、僕があっちの提示した給料に応じなかったんだ。: Well, they wanted me, but I didn't agree on the salary they offered.
前は作ってたんだけど、もうやめちゃった。すごく時間がかかるんだもん!: I used to, but I gave up. It is too time consuming.
うん… 前は僕がやつのこといじめてたんだけど、今度はやつのお兄ちゃんと二人で僕をいじめるようになったんだ。: Yeah. I used to bully him, but he and his brother started bullying me.
それはこっちの方がはるかにそうよね。だからここでもうまくいってるんだと思うわ。そうじゃなくちゃダメよ、じゃないと大混乱になっちゃうもの。: Much more so. And I think that's why it works here. It has to be that way, or else there would be chaos.
私の車が走らなくなっちゃったんだけど、何が悪いのかさっぱり分からないのよね…: My car stopped running, but I have no idea what the problem is...
「怒らせるつもりなんてなかったんだよ。ただからかってただけで」「でもトミーは本気だと思っちゃったでしょ!」: "I didn't mean to make him mad. I was just teasing him." "But he took it seriously."〔子→母〕
で、学べることも知識の量もものすごく多かったから、とてもよかったんだけど、そこの学生たちって、すべての時間を勉強に費やしてるんだよね。: I had a great time because there was a lot of learning and a lot of knowledge, but the students spent all of their time studying.
まあそこは部屋がみんな大きかったから良かったんだけど、ただ、そういう狭い場所で、お互いに顔を突き合わせてなくちゃいけないという状況で、いつもケンカとかもめ事とかが絶えないのがちょっと嫌になっちゃってさ。: It was OK because the rooms were big, but I got a little bored with the constant fights and struggles that people would have when they had to deal with one another in such a close space.
成り行きでそうなったんです。/なんか知らないけどそうなっちゃったんだよね。: It's just how things turned out.
仕事探すのが順序ってものだったんだろうけどさ、代わりにアジアに旅行行っちゃった: Looking for a job would have been in order, but I took a trip to Asia instead.
「最近どうしてるんだい?」「旅行中毒になっちゃってるよ」: "How are you doing these day?" "We have the travel monkey on our back."
いつもそうしてるわよ。写真に自分の指が写っているのってイヤ!レンズを指で隠さないようにするんだけど、たまにやっちゃうのよねえ。: I always do those. I hate it when I see my fingers in the pictures! I try not to cover the lense with my fingers, but sometimes I do.