日ごろの努力: daily effort 日ごろの努力のたまもの: product of constant effort そう考えるのも当然だ: be justified in thinking so を考えると: considering that〔that以下〕 最近の親は、常日ごろの振る舞いを子どもに教えるのに、罰したり褒めたりしようとしがちだ: These days, parents tend to rely on punishment and rewards to shape children's behavior. 日ごろの望み: long-cherished desire 日ごろの残業: overtime on a daily basis 日ごろの準備: preparations on a routine basis 日ごろの行い: 1. behavior 2. conduct 3. everyday conduct 当然の努力: reasonable effort 怒るのも当然だ: may well get angry 何でも当然と考える: take anything for granted 民営化は当然だと考える: see privatization as a natural conclusion 日ごろの愛顧にこたえる機会を探す: search for opportunities to reciprocate someone's favors〔人の〕 企業の持つ大きな生産能力を考えると: given the large productive capacity of business