潮流に逆らってこぐ: row against the tide 潮流に逆らって進む: struggle against the tide 時代の潮流に逆らう: swim [go, run] against the tide [current] (of the times) 歴史に逆らって: in defiance of history 激流に逆らって泳ぐ: swim against a strong current 時代の潮流に逆行する: swim [go, run] against the tide [current] (of the times) 潮に逆らって: against the tide 歴史の流れに逆らう: resist the tide of history 助言に逆らって: against someone's advice〔人の〕 大勢に逆らって: against the wind 引力に逆らって: against (the force of) gravity 忠告に逆らって: against someone's advice〔人の〕 意志に逆らって: in spite of someone's beard〔人の〕 波に逆らって進む: stem the waves 流れに逆らって: 【副】 upstream