- I have a very good recipe for lotus root and carrots, that, again, Kyoko sensei taught us, and she showed us this recipe during cherry blossom season; and she takes the carrots and uses a small press that she presses onto the carr+もっと...ot, and it comes out the shape of the cherry blossom.
私、蓮根とニンジンを使ったものすごくいいレシピを知ってる--これもキョウコ先生から教えてもらったんだけどね--桜の花の季節に先生が教えてくださったの。先生はニンジンを持ってきて、小さな押し型を使ってニンジンの上に押し付けたの、そうすると桜の花の形が抜けるのよ。: I have a very good recipe for lotus root and carrots, that, again, Kyoko sensei taught us, and she showed us this recipe during cherry blossom season, and she takes the carrots and uses a small pres
そう。名前はキョウコ先生よ。それで、スシを巻くには、ここにあるこの器具を使ったのよね。: Yes. Her name was Kyoko sensei. And this item here we used to roll the sushi.
うちの子はニンジンが嫌いなんだけど、目に見えなかったら食べられるのよ。キャロットケーキを作ったことがあったんだけど、すごく喜んで食べたのよ!: My daughter doesn't like carrots, but she eats them when she can't see them. One day I made carrot cake, and she loved it!
父が教えてくれたから、私はずっとそういったことを知っていた。: I've always been aware of that sort of thing because Dad's taught me.
僕は主に幾つかの小学校と中学校で、英語を教える仕事をしているんだけど、すごくいいと思ってる。君が教えてるのは、主に小さな子供たちなの、それとも中学校の子供たちを教えてるの?: I work mostly in elementary schools and junior high schools, teaching English, I think it's great. Do you work with mostly smaller children, or do you work with junior high school children?
何て言い方するの! 降りてきて食べなさいって30分前に言ったでしょう。だから料理が冷たくなってるのよ。それがあなたの夕飯よ、それにニンジンも食べなさい!: Don't talk to me like that! I told you to come and eat 30 minutes ago. That's why it's cold, and this is what you are having for dinner, including the carrots.
それいいわね!私だってニンジンの入ったオレンジジュース好きよ!前はいろいろな果物や野菜をミキサーにかけてジュース作ってたのよね。また始めようかな。: That sounds good! Even I like orange juice with carrots! I used to make smoothies. I guess I'll start making that again.
先生が使い方を教えてくれた。: The teacher taught me how to use it.
違う検索エンジンを使って検索を行う: run the search using a different search engine
使ってエンジンを動かす: use ~ to power the engine〔~を〕
アポロ11号は自身のエンジンを使って月の軌道に乗った: Apollo 11 went into orbit around the moon using its own engine.
友達の家に行くんだって言ってる。その友達の名前は教えてくれたけど、知らない名前だったの。: He says he goes to his friend's house. He told me the name of his friend, but it was someone I didn't know.
ニンジンをかじる: gnaw a carrot
ニンジンをゆでる: boil carrots
ママが教えてあげるよ。長いひも、持ってきて。それを輪にするの。: I'll teach you. Get a long piece of string. We'll make a loop with that.