人を驚かす: raise an eyebrow〔話などが〕 息が止まるほど(人)を驚かす: knock the breath out of someone [someone's body] 世人を驚かす: 世人を驚かす せじんをおどろかす to strike terror in peoples hearts 世間を驚かす: startle the world 目を驚かす〔~の〕: 【他動】 dazzle 見せかけの威勢で(人)を驚かす: threaten someone with bluff して世界を驚かす: surprise the world by doing〔~を〕 人を驚かすように: in a startling manner 人を驚かす結果: alarming consequences 鬼面人を驚かす: 1. startle by its strange appearance 2. threaten someone with bluff 何回も(人)を驚かせる: surprise someone many times 何度も(人)を驚かせる: surprise someone many times 歌って(人)を驚かせる: surprise someone with a rendition of〔~を〕 戦術として相手を驚かす: surprise one's opponents tactically 披露して(人)を驚かせる: surprise someone with a rendition of〔~を〕