- get a stitch in one's side
歯が痛くなる: get toothache
胸が痛くなる: develop chest pains
頭が痛くなる: 1. get a headache 2. get cerebral gas pains
脇腹が痛い: feel [have] (a) pain in (the [one's]) side
脇腹が痛む: feel [have] (a) pain in (the [one's]) side
のどが痛くなる: get a sore throat
背中が痛くなる 1: give someone backaches 背中が痛くなる 2 get an owie on someone's back〔 【参考】 owie〕〔人の〕
顔が痛くなるほど: 【副】 face-achingly
耳が痛くなるほどの長話: earache
腕が痛くなるほど働く: work until one's arms ache
痛くなる 1: get sore 痛くなる 2 get an owie on〔 【参考】 owie〕〔~が〕 痛くなる 3 get a big owie on〔 【参考】 owie〕〔~がとっても〕
おなかが痛くなるほど笑う: laugh till one's sides ache
七面鳥を食べるといつも胃が痛くなる: Turkey invariably upsets my stomach.
変な姿勢で寝て首が痛くなる: get a crick in the [one's] neck from sleeping in an uncomfortable position
変な風に寝て首が痛くなる: get a crick in the [one's] neck from sleeping in an uncomfortable position