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dump 意味

発音記号:[ dʌmp ]  読み方


  • a dump    a dump 塵溜め ごみため
  • dump in    放り込む
  • dump on    {句動} : (人)に八つ当たりする、~に転嫁{てんか}する、(人)にわめく、やじり倒す、質問攻めにする、批判する、けなす、やっつける
  • to dump    to dump ダンプする[電情]〈97確X0007:情報処理用語(プログラミング)〉
  • abend dump    異常終了{いじょう しゅうりょう}ダンプ、アベンド?ダンプ
  • ac dump    AC dump 交流ダンプ[電情]
  • ammunition dump    火薬庫{かやくこ}
  • arms dump    《軍事》武器貯蔵所、武器貯蔵庫、武器庫
  • as dump as a fish    とてもばかな
  • ash dump    灰落とし
  • beach dump    上陸補給点{じょうりく ほきゅうてん}
  • beam dump    ビーム?ダンプ
  • binary dump    binary dump バイナリダンプ
  • bottom dump    bottom dump 底開き運搬車[基礎]
  • brain dump    仕様書{しようしょ}


  • she stole a bunch of oxygen tanks from that dump .
    姉さんがそこから 酸素タンクを盗んだ
  • top choice of assassins who often dump their weapons .
    プロの手口ね 武器も捨てたはず
  • i'm just gonna dump the two of you at your place .
    お前のアパートから 突き落としてやる
  • i don't know how long this tape runs , we might dump out .
  • your investigation in that waste dump will reveal it
    お前の捨て山捜査に つきあったんだ
  • then he would dump 'em and go on to the next one .
    トッドはすぐに 次の女性を探し始める
  • i found that mobile phone in the rubbish dump .
    私はゴミ捨て場で あの携帯を見つけたのです
  • was it really necessary to dump coffee on me ?
    コーヒー ぶっ掛けること ねえだろうってんだ。
  • exactly . of course , the place is a dump anyways .
    そうだよ その通りだ 汚いのは事実だ
  • that my own father was living in a toxic waste dump .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • a place where supplies can be stored; "an ammunition dump"

  • (computer science) a copy of the contents of a computer storage device; sometimes used in debugging programs

  • a piece of land where waste materials are dumped
    Synonyms: garbage dump, trash dump, rubbish dump, wasteyard, waste-yard, dumpsite,

  • a coarse term for defecation; "he took a shit"
    Synonyms: shit,

  • Verb
  • knock down with force; "He decked his opponent"
    Synonyms: deck, coldcock, knock down, floor,

  • fall abruptly; "It plunged to the bottom of the well"
    Synonyms: plunge,

  • drop (stuff) in a heap or mass; "The truck dumped the garbage in the street"

  • sever all ties with, usually unceremoniously or irresponsibly; "The company dumped him after many years of service"; "She dumped her boyfriend when she fell in love with a rich man"
    Synonyms: ditch,

  • throw away as refuse; "No dumping in these woods!"

  • sell at artificially low prices
    Synonyms: underprice,

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