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parallel 意味

発音記号:[ 'pærəlel ]  読み方
動詞 過去形: paralleled   動詞 過去分詞: paralleled   名詞 複数形: parallels   動詞 現在分詞: paralleling   


  • in parallel    並行{へいこう}して、同時{どうじ}に、並列接続{へいれつせつぞく}で Several processes have been taking place in parallel. いくつかの手順が並行して起こった。
  • in parallel with    ~と平行{へいこう}で、~と並列{へいれつ}に、~と同時{どうじ}に、~と並行{へいこう}して、~と並行{へいこう}に、~と並列式{へいれつ しき}で、~と肩を並べるように、~と並列接続{へいれつせつぞく}の、~に応じて
  • on a parallel with    ~と平行して
  • parallel in    並列{へいれつ}
  • parallel to    parallel to 沿って そって
  • parallel with    ~に沿って
  • parallel...    parallel... 並列[電情]
  • 38th parallel    《the ~》38度線
  • act parallel to    (力などが)~に対して平行{へいこう}に働く
  • anti-parallel    {形-1} : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形-2} :
  • astronomical parallel    astronomical parallel 天文学的緯度圏[地球]
  • bit parallel    《コ》ビットパラレル
  • celestial parallel    celestial parallel 等赤緯線[地球]
  • closer parallel    いっそう似通った点
  • connect in parallel    並列{へいれつ}に接続{せつぞく}する


  • but now we can begin to do the response in parallel .
  • but the thing itself was a giant parallel computation
  • you brought another you from a parallel world ?
    もう一人の自分を 他のパラレルワールドから。
  • to about 12 ion channels in parallel .
  • and parallel universes ? again: dots there
  • so he's still existing , but it's in a parallel time .
    彼は別次元で 存在し続ける
  • some parallel work going on in social psychology:
  • and it's also between two parallel streets
    また その土地は 並走する道路に挟まれているものの
  • lt's tricky . they gotta be parallel to the deck .
    "少尉 マルチネス" まっすぐにしないと
  • maybe they encountered warriors from a parallel world !
    まさか 平行世界の戦士との邂逅
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • being everywhere equidistant and not intersecting; "parallel lines never converge"; "concentric circles are parallel"; "dancers in two parallel rows"

  • Adjective
  • of or relating to the simultaneous performance of multiple operations; "parallel processing"

  • Verb
  • make or place parallel to something; "They paralleled the ditch to the highway"
    Synonyms: collimate,

  • be parallel to; "Their roles are paralleled by ours"

  • duplicate or match; "The polished surface twinned his face and chest in reverse"
    Synonyms: twin, duplicate,

  • Noun
  • something having the property of being analogous to something else
    Synonyms: analogue, analog,

  • an imaginary line around the Earth parallel to the equator
    Synonyms: latitude, line of latitude, parallel of latitude,

  • (mathematics) one of a set of parallel geometric figures (parallel lines or planes); "parallels never meet"

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