- Did he have a fight or something? He's got a big bandage on his forehead.
- あの あの 彼の that over there
- けん けん 腱 tendon 件 matter case item 県 prefecture 剣 sword sabre blade bayonet sting
- でも でも but however
- もし もし 若し if in case supposing 模試 sham examination
- した した 舌 tongue 下 under below beneath
- かい かい 傀 large 怪 mystery wonder 買い buying buyer purchase 介 shell shellfish being
- いば いば 意馬 uncontrolled
- ばん ばん 万 many all 蛮 barbarian 盤 record tray shallow bowl 判 size (of paper or
- そう そう 層 layer seam bed stream class 偬 feel pain suffer 副う to suit to meet to
- こう こう 校 -school proof 候 season weather 腔 body cavity 凰 female phoenix bird 斯う
- うつ うつ 打つ to hit to strike 伐つ to strike to attack to punish 撃つ to attack to defeat
- つけ つけ 付け fixed bill bill of sale
- けち けち 吝嗇 悋嗇 stinginess miser miserliness skinflint tightwad niggard pinching
- ちゃ ちゃ 茶 tea
- けんか けんか 県下 prefecture 繭価 price of a cocoon 堅果 nut 喧嘩 quarrel (drunken) brawl
- おでこ おでこ お凸 御凸 brow forehead
- かいば かいば 飼い葉 fodder 海馬 sea horse
- そうこ そうこ 倉庫 storehouse warehouse godown
- でっかい でっかい huge
- ばんそう ばんそう 伴奏 (musical) accompaniment 伴僧 priests assisting at a Buddhist service 伴走
- そうこう そうこう 奏効 efficacy 送稿 document transmission 然斯 meanwhile 操行 conduct deportment
- ばんそうこう ばんそうこう 絆創膏 adhesive plaster