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  • You sang that rather well.
  • あの     あの 彼の that over there
  • はけ     はけ 刷毛 paint brush 捌け drainage draining 刷子 brush commutator brush
  • こう     こう 校 -school proof 候 season weather 腔 body cavity 凰 female phoenix bird 斯う
  • うじ     うじ 氏 family name lineage birth 蛆 maggot grub
  • じょ     じょ 叙 relation narration description 女 woman girl daughter 序 foreword preface 助
  • うず     うず 渦 swirl
  •      よ 余 over more than 世 代 world society age generation
  • こうじ     こうじ 好事 fortune good deed curious 口耳 mouth and ear 公示 edict public announcement
  • じょう     じょう 仗 cane whipping rod 錠 lock padlock 冗 uselessness 尉 jailer old man rank
  • けっこう     けっこう 欠講 cancellation of lecture or class 決行 doing (with resolve) carrying out
  • こうじょ     こうじょ 控除 subsidy deduction 扣除 subtraction (tax) deduction 公序 public order 孝女
  • うじょう     うじょう 鵜匠 cormorant fisherman 有情 (Buddhism) sentient beings (feelings of)
  • じょうず     じょうず 上手 skill skillful dexterity 上図 the upper illustration
  • こうじょう     こうじょう 攻城 siege 荒城 ruined castle 厚情 kindness favour hospitality 恒常 constancy 向上
  • ぜっこうじょう    ぜっこうじょう 絶交状 a letter breaking off relations
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