- This is my favorite holiday spot.
- ここ ここ 箇箇 individual separate 戸戸 戸々 each house every house 個々 個個 individual one by
- 休日 休日 きゅうじつ holiday day off
- 来る 来る くる to come to come to hand to arrive to approach to call on to come on
- 場所 場所 ばしょ place location
- だ だ 拿 arrest capture 兌 exchange 堕 degenerating lapsing into 儺 exorcism
- 好んで 好んで このんで by (from) choice by (for) preference of one's own accord of one's
- ここは母国を追われた人々が、居住国について語り合いに来る場所だ This is where expatriates gather to talk about their host country.
- (人)だけで来る場所 place for someone to come to alone
- ここはまさに来る価値のある場所です This is the place to come.
- 帰った、帰った。ここはおまえの来る場所ではない。 Get out of here. There's no room for you.
- ここは私が引き受けます。 I'll take this (one). {2}
- ここは私が払います I'll get it this time.
- ここは私がおごるよ。/勘定は私が持ちます This [It's, It will be] my treat.
- これ[勘定]は私が。/ここは私がおごりますから。 1. Be my guest here. 2. Be my guest. {3}〔食事をおごるとき〕
- あそこは私たちの(思い出の)場所だ。 That'll be our place.