- I shoved (my way) toward the gate.
- 押し 押し おし push pressure authority audacity
- がら がら 柄 pattern design
- ほう ほう 方 side 倣 imitate follow emulate 俸 salary 報 information punishment
- だ だ 拿 arrest capture 兌 exchange 堕 degenerating lapsing into 儺 exorcism
- ながら ながら 乍 though notwithstanding while during both all while doing although
- ゲート ゲート gate
- 進んだ 【形】 1. advanced 2. surf
- 人を押しのけて人込みの外へ逃れる jostle one's way out of the crowd
- 隣近所を押しのけないとやっていけない。 You have to push out your neighbor.
- 群集を押し分けながら進む push one's way among [through] the crowd
- 彼の努力にもかかわらず、すべては悪いほうへ進んだ Everything went for the worse in spite of his efforts.
- ひじで(人)を押しのける elbow someone out of the way
- 手のひらで~を押しのける hand off
- 込みあった市場を肩で押しながら進んだ I shouldered my way through the crowded marketplace.
- 押しのけて群衆の前へ進む push one's way to the front of a crowd