- There might be something wrong, though. Let me go look in on her.
- 何か 何か なにか something
- たか たか 多価 polyvalence 多寡 quantity number amount 鷹 hawk falcon 高 quantity amount
- かも かも 鴨 wild duck easy mark sucker
- もし もし 若し if in case supposing 模試 sham examination
- ない ない 亡い dead 無い there isn't doesn't have
- いじ いじ 維持 maintenance preservation 医事 medical practice 遺事 reminiscences memories
- じゃ got to go / gotta go〔文頭の I've が省略された形◆ 【略】 g2g ; G2G〕
- ちょ ちょ 著 work 儲 be profitable
- くる くる 来る to come to come to hand to arrive to approach to call on to come on
- こった こった 凝った elaborate exquisite tasty refined artistic
- ないじ ないじ 内示 unofficial announcement 内治 internal or domestic affairs 内侍 maid of
- てくる drive one's feet
- くるわ くるわ 廓 area enclosed by earthwork red-light district
- ちょっと ちょっと 一寸 鳥渡 just a minute a short time a while just a little somewhat easily
- 見てくる go and take a look
- かもしれない かもしれない かも知れない may might perhaps may be possibly