Afterward , it was split into schools and merged . のちに分派・合同した。
In the meiji period , it was integrated with the jodo sect (chinzei school ), but spun off later . 明治に入り浄土宗(鎮西派)と合同したがその後分離独立。
During the world war ii , it was integrated with the nishiyama school , but it has been independent from the postwar period to present . 第2次大戦中、西山派に合同したが、戦後独立し現在に至る。
After the meiji period , in accordance with the religious policies of the government , the koyasan shingon sect became a part of the old shingon sect , which was merged with the other religious schools of the shingon sect (omuro school of the shingon sect [the grand head temple is ninna-ji temple ], daikaku-ji school of the shingon sect [the head temple is daikaku-ji temple ], etc .) , and became the grand head temple of the old shingon sect . 明治以降、政府の宗教政策から、他の真言宗宗派(真言宗御室派(総本山仁和寺)・真言宗大覚寺派(大本山大覚寺)など)と合同した古義真言宗に属し、古義真言宗総本山となる。