- walled citadel
- 要塞 要塞 ようさい fort stronghold fortification
- 塀を巡らす 塀を巡らす へいをめぐらす to fence in to surround with a wall
- 自分の土地を守るために塀を巡らせる put up the fence to protect one's land
- 塀を巡らしてある be surrounded by walls
- 板塀を巡らした家 house surrounded by a board fence
- 彼は、自分を襲った悲劇に思いを巡らせた He ruminated on the tragedy that had struck him.
- 想像を巡らせる let one's imagination run
- 政略を巡らせる devise a political stratagem
- 考えを巡らせる turn over in one's mind whether or not〔~かどうかについて〕
- スタンは、ふと人生の目的について思いを巡らせた Stan stopped a moment to ponder the purpose of life.
- 垣を巡らす 1. encircle with a fence 2. enclose with a fence 3. put a fence around [round]
- 柵を巡らす 1. enclose with a palisade 2. fence around 3. fence off 4. fence up 5. rail in
- 策を巡らす 1. draw up a plan 2. work out a scheme
- 頭を巡らす turn one's head around
- 端から端まで頭を巡らせる turn one's head from one side to the other