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  • We want to hire people who can get along with others.〔面接〕
  • 当社     当社 とうしゃ (this) shrine (this) firm
  • では     では then well so well then 出端 chance of going out opportunity (to succeed)
  • ほか     ほか 他 other (esp. places and things) 外 other place the rest
  • たち     たち 達 plural suffix 立ち stand 裁ち cutting cut 館 mansion small castle boat cabin 質
  • ちと     ちと a bit
  • とう     とう 偸 steal 唐 T'ang-Dynasty (China 618-907) 刀 sword saber knife engraving tool
  • うま     うま 午 seventh sign of Chinese zodiac (The Horse, 11am-1pm, south, May) 馬 horse
  • まく     まく 膜 membrane film 蒔く to sow (seeds) 撒く to scatter to sprinkle to sow 巻く to
  • てい     てい 体 appearance air condition state form 剃 shave 偵 spy 停 stopping 弟 younger
  • いけ     いけ 池 pond
  • ける     ける 蹴る to kick
  • いま     いま 今 now the present time just now soon immediately (one) more 居間 living room
  • ます     ます 升 枡 桝 斗 measure unit of volume (1.8l) square container, e.g. a box 鱒 trout
  • ほかの     ほかの [外の, 他の] adj. **another [限定] 別の, 異なった∥ Another thing is ...
  • 人たち     people like〔~のような〕
  • うまく     うまく 旨く skillfully well deliciously aptly cleverly
  • まくや     まくや 幕屋 tent tabernacle small curtain-enclosed (off a stage) Makuya (Original
  • ていけ     ていけ 手生け 手活け doing one's own flower arranging marrying or making a mistress of
  • いける     いける 活ける 生ける to arrange (flowers) 行ける to be good at
  • ける人     kicker
  • 望んで     1. in (the) hope of 2. with the hope of 3. with the view to [of, toward]〔~を〕
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