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  • return safely home


  • Lj , i'm going to get you out of this , i promise .
  • Lj , i'm going to get you out of this , i promise .
  • It's all good more to make the top , beck . but you pay me to bring you down safely .
    登頂より 無事に帰るほうが大事だ
  • It's all good more to make the top , beck . but you pay me to bring you down safely .
    登頂より 無事に帰るほうが大事だ
  • And when did you , who once told me you just wanted to come back in one piece , become the boy scout poster boy for fucking recruitment , suckering another couple thousand boys from fucking indiana and the bronx to go out and get
    お前は何時から 無事に帰る事だけを 願っていたお前は 何時から新兵スカウトの 人寄せパンダになったんだ
  • And when did you , who once told me you just wanted to come back in one piece , become the boy scout poster boy for fucking recruitment , suckering another couple thousand boys from fucking indiana and the bronx to go out and get
    お前は何時から 無事に帰る事だけを 願っていたお前は 何時から新兵スカウトの 人寄せパンダになったんだ
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