- Better to die gloriously than live disgraced.
- 生き 生き いき freshness stet
- かし かし 菓子 pastry 河岸 fish market riverside river bank 歌詞 song lyrics words of a
- しめ しめ 締め summing up judo choking (strangling) techniques 〆 end or closure mark
- より より from out of since than 縒り twist ply
- しく しく 如く to excel to be equal to 詩句 verse 市区 municipal district streets 敷く to
- 死ぬ 死ぬ しぬ to die
- ほう ほう 方 side 倣 imitate follow emulate 俸 salary 報 information punishment
- よい よい 宵 evening early night hours 好い good 善い 良い good nice pleasant ok 余意 implied
- い い 井 well 胃 stomach 依 depending on 倚 lean on rest against 亥 twelfth sign of the
- 生きて above ground
- かしめ かしめ caluking
- ほうが ほうが 奉加 donation 奉賀 respectful congratulations 邦画 Japanese film 鳳駕 imperial
- 華々しく 華々しく adv. gloriously 光り輝いて, 荘厳に, すばらしく, 立派に; with a flourish 仰々しく.
- 生きて恥を受けるよりはむしろ死を選ぶ 1. prefer death to dishonor [dishonour] 2. would rather die than live in disgrace
- 生きて恥をさらすよりは、名誉をもって死ぬ方がましだ。 Better die with honour than live with shame.