- It's dogged as [that] does it.
- てこ てこ 梃 梃子 lever
- こそ こそ for sure (emphasize preceding word)
- 成る 成る なる to become
- 張り 張り はり stretch post ばり in the style of (esp. literary, artistic, etc. works)
- 成功 成功 せいこう success hit
- もと もと 下 許 under (esp. influence or guidance) 元 本 origin original former
- 頑張り 頑張り がんばり tenacity endurance
- 頑張って 頑張って がんばって Hold on Go for it Keep at it
- 失敗は成功のもと learn from one's mistakes 失敗は成功のもと。 1. Failure is a stepping stone to success. 2. Failure teaches success.《諺》
- 失敗は成功のもと。 1. Failure is a stepping stone to success. 2. Failure teaches success.《諺》 失敗は成功のもと learn from one's mistakes
- すべての失敗が成功への足掛かりとなる。/失敗は成功のもと A failure will be a stepping stone to success. / Every failure is a stepping stone to success.《諺》
- 頑張って 頑張って がんばって Hold on Go for it Keep at it
- 頑張ってね。 I'll be rooting for you. 頑張ってね! Good luck! {1}〔相手の勝利や成功などを願うとき〕
- 頑張ってね! Good luck! {1}〔相手の勝利や成功などを願うとき〕 頑張ってね。 I'll be rooting for you.
- 頑張って~する 1. have the huge job of 2. put one's efforts into