- 【前】
- ~は as for
- 主語 主語 しゅご subject
- のし のし 熨斗 long thin strip of dried sea-ear or paper attached to a gift 伸 an iron
- しわ しわ 皺 wrinkles creases
- わざ わざ 業 deed act work performance 技 art technique
- で で 出 outflow coming (going) out graduate (of) rising (of the sun or moon) one's
- しわざ しわざ 仕業 act action deed
- ぼうのしわざ ぼうのしわざ 某の仕業 the work (doings) of so-and-so
- 悪魔のしわざ devil's work
- 狂気のしわざ result of madness
- またおやじのしわざだな I know my dad is behind this again.
- しわざ しわざ 仕業 act action deed
- あしわざ あしわざ 足技 足業 (judo) foot technique footwork
- 口元のしわ creases round one's mouth
- 尺側のしわ ulnar crease