- If he doesn't seem to care, that's OK. But apparently he's very concerned.
ルーシー、もしあの子たちともう遊びたくなかったら、それはそれで別にいいのよ。: Lucy, if you don't want to play with them anymore, that's perfectly fine.
それでも、そういうことは言わないの。もしあの子が先生に言ったりしたら、どうするのよ?子どもの虐待は、とってもデリケートな問題なんだから。: Even so, you shouldn't say it. What if she tells her teacher? Child abuse is a very sensitive issue.
それは私たちの問題じゃないわ。学費を自分で払う子どもだっているんだから。もしあの子が私立に行きたければ、あの子が学生ローンを借りればいいのよ。: That's not our problem. Some kids pay for their own tuition. Mike can get a student loan if he wants to go to a private college.
最近ね、あの子自分の顔をすごく気にしているのよ。誰かがあの子の鼻のことで、あの子をからかったみたいなのよ。: These days, he's so concerned about his face. It seems like someone teased him about his nose.
これが一番いい方法なのよ。あの子はお金がなくなるのがイヤだから、私に嘘をつかないの。もしあの子が失うものがなかったら、あの子はこれからも嘘をつき続けるわよ。: This is the best way. She doesn't wanna lose money, so she doesn't lie to me. If there is nothing for her to lose, she just keeps lying.
「あの子の宿題、毎日見てやることにしてるの」「それはいいわねえ!私もそうしなきゃな」: "I make it a practice to check her homework everyday." "That's great! I need to do that."〔主婦同士の会話〕
それならルーシーに近寄らないでね。あの子が病気にならないように。: Then don't get close to Lucy. I don't want her to get sick.
もしあの子が返してくれなかったら、ママがあの子に言ってあげるから。いい?: If she doesn't give it back to you, then I'll talk to her. OK?
これ食べたくないなら、それはそれでいいのよ。: If you don't want to eat this, that's fine.〔親→子〕
うーん、でもうちには犬がいるのよ。でもあの子、全然犬の面倒見ないのよ。: Well, we have a dog. But she doesn't take care of him at all.
そうよね… でもあの子があの制服着てるの、本当に見たかったのよね…: I know. But I really wanted to see my daughter in that uniform.
うちの子を叱る前に、いつも10数えてるの。でもあの子が目の前にいる限り、怒りが抑えきれないのよね。: I always count to 10 before I yell at my son, but when he's right in front of me, I can't hold my anger.
知らないの?あの子さあ、うちのマネージャーとできてたんだよね。それで妊娠したらしいよ。マネージャーは堕ろしてほしかったんだけど、あの子は産む決意したんだって!だからあの子、マネージャーにクビにされたって。そう聞いたよ。: Don't you know why? She was having an affair with our manager, and she got pregnant. He wanted her to get rid of the baby, but she decided to have it! So he fired her... That's what I heard.
全然気にしない: 1. not care a bit [bean, brass farthing, button, cent, chip, curse, cuss, darn, dime, doit, dump, fiddlestick, feather, fuck, groat, hoot, jot, louse, nut, pin, rap, rush, snap, stiver, straw, tinke
もし彼女がダメだったら、それはそれでいいじゃん。でもやってみないと、本当にダメかなんてわかんないぜ。それは確かだろ!いいから誘ってみろよ!: If she's taken, then that's fine. But you don't know until you actually give it a try. That's for sure! Go for it!