- Lucy, you don't need these books anymore, do you? You used to read these when you were a baby.
ルーシーはジェーンが赤ちゃんの時ほど寝ないわね。: Lucy doesn't sleep as much as Jane did.
あなた、赤ちゃんのそばでたばこ吸わないで!: Honey, don't smoke near the baby!〔妻→夫〕
ダメよ。10人でいいでしょ。おうちでパーティやるんじゃないのよ。マクドナルド行くんでしょ、忘れたの?そうしたいってあなたが言ったんでしょ。もう10人で予約取っちゃったから。: No, honey. 10 is enough. We are not doing a party here. We are going to McDonalds, remember? That's what you wanted. I already made a reservation for 10.
いるけど、もしあなたが家に帰ってくるならルーシーの面倒を見ててほしいの。薬局に行きたかったんだけど、行けないのよ。この子を連れて行けないでしょ。: I am, but if you are gonna come back home, I want you to watch Lucy. I wanted to go to the drugstore, but I couldn't because I can't take her with me.
「おままごとをしましょう」「私がお母さん役であなたが赤ちゃん役ね」: "Let's play house." "I'm the mother and you are the baby."〔役柄としての母親や赤ん坊の前に定冠詞をつける点に注意〕
片付けちゃったわよ。もういらないでしょ。晩御飯もうすぐだからね。: I put it away. You don't need them now. Dinner is almost ready.
ルーシー、その本はあなたのじゃないの。図書館のなのよ。だからきれいに扱いましょうね。: Lucy, those books are not yours. They belong to the library so we have to try to keep them clean.〔親→子(図書館で)〕
誰が私たちの赤ちゃんの写真見るのよ?あなたと私の親でしょう。あの人たちはpc持ってないから、結局写真に現像しないといけないことになるじゃない。: Who's gonna see our baby's pictures? Your parents and my parents. They don't have PCs, so we'll have to develop the pictures anyways.
きっと私のこと覚えてないのよ。この子に会ったのは、まだ赤ちゃんの時だったから。: Maybe he doesn't remember me. He was just a little baby when I saw him last time.
「あなた、赤ちゃん落っことさないでよ!」「思ったより重いなあ。9カ月もおなかにこの子がいたのかあ」: "Honey, don't drop her!" "She's heavier than I thought. I can't believe you carried her around for 9 months."〔夫婦の会話(妻→夫)(赤ちゃんを風呂に入れる)〕
ルーシーちゃんの声が聞けてよかったわ。ずっとあなたのこと考えてたのよ。でもね、ママは今すごく忙しいの。: I'm glad to hear your voice. I've been thinking about you. But Mommy is very busy now. Can you call me later?
えぇ、でも、あなたが食べないからジムも食べなくなったのよ。お姉ちゃんのまねをするんだから。: I know, but look. Jim stopped eating broccoli because you don't eat it. He wants to do whatever his sister does.
ルーシー、こっちいらっしゃい!お兄ちゃんを引っかいたら駄目でしょ!: Come here, Lucy. Don't scratch Tommy.〔親→子〕
「ルーシー、お姉ちゃんのお下がり絶対着ないのよ」「女の子って、そういうと小うるさいもんよ」: "Lucy never wears hand-me-downs from her big sister." "Girls tend to be picky."〔主婦同士の会話〕
違うのよ。こっちいらっしゃい。ママの体の中には赤ちゃんがいるの。あなたの弟がここにいるのよ。: No, honey. Come here. Mommy is carrying a baby inside. Your brother is in here.