difficulty 意味
- difficulty n. 難しさ, 困難, 面倒; 難事, 難局, 難点; 窮境; 不和, 争議.【動詞+】
- After we cleared up the difficulty of the expired visa, the immigration authorities were very polite.
- It is hard to comprehend today the difficulties that faced the early explorers.
- In the end he found he could not cope with the difficulties of living abroad.
- I did not experience the slightest difficulty in publishing my first novel.
- She made no difficulties about taking care of our baby while we were away.
- One shouldn't minimize the difficulties that face visitors to the region.
- The complexity of the grammar presents a great difficulty to all would-be students of the language.
- The absence of maps puts serious difficulties in the way of all travelers in the area.
- He swept away every difficulty in his path with an almost superhuman energy.
- You should have weighed the difficulty of the task before you undertook it.
【+動詞】- It was only during the last stage of the negotiations that difficulties began to arise .
- Difficulties will diminish as you became accustomed to the computer language.
- The difficulty of entering a good university loomed large when I began my last year of high school.
- the difficulties that surround a foreigner who undertakes to adapt himself to the Japanese way of life
【形容詞 名詞+】- Japan's excessive trade surpluses have brought about diplomatic difficulties with a number of nations.
- Most children go through periods of emotional difficulty, as do adults.
- He found himself confronting formidable difficulties in the execution of his project.
- Now that we have overcome the initial difficulties, it will be smooth sailing.
当初の難局を乗り切ったからには, あとは順調に進行するだろう
- Language difficulties made it hard to report the theft to the police.
- Working long hours is one of the necessary difficulties of such a responsible job.
長時間働くことはそのような責任のある仕事に伴う当然の困難の 1 つだ
- He gave up in despair, defeated by the overwhelming difficulties of the task.
- The peculiar difficulty of his position was that he had responsibility but no power.
彼の立場に特有な困難は, 責任は負わなくてはならないのに権限は何もないということだった
- the present difficulty in obtaining freight space on cargo flight to Beijing
- After a few months he began to fall into repayment difficulties with his car. 2,3
- We face some difficulty in maintaining our present share of the market.
- After the world's worst plane crash, the new management must first handle a task of supreme difficulty, that is, recovery of the company's ruined reputation.
世界最悪の飛行機事故のあと, 新経営陣は会社の失墜した信用を回復するという, きわめて困難な仕事をまず手がけなければならない
- They started to perform the experiment without grasping its technical difficulty.
- Can one ever transcend the underlying difficulties of cross-cultural relations?
【前置詞+】- To add to our difficulties one of our lift trucks has broken down.
フォークリフトつきトラックの 1 台が故障して私たちの困難がさらに増した
【+前置詞】- The main difficulty about his proposed solution to the problem is that it is very expensive.
- The lack of a Dutch-Japanese dictionary was a grave difficulty for the translators of “Tafel Anatomia."
蘭和辞典がないことが?ターヘル アナトミア(解体新書)?の翻訳者たちにとって大変な困難な点であった
- The difficulty with his theory is that there is no evidence for it.
- After we cleared up the difficulty of the expired visa, the immigration authorities were very polite.
- (a) difficulty (a) difficulty 難事 なんじ
- with difficulty with difficulty たどたどしい 辛くも からくも
- with no difficulty 支障{ししょう}なく
- (degree of) difficulty (degree of) difficulty 難しさ むずかしさ
- accommodation difficulty 調節困難{ちょうせつ こんなん}
- assail the difficulty 難局に取り組む
- attack a difficulty 難局{なんきょく}に当たる
- breathe with difficulty 息が苦しい、苦しい息遣いをする、呼吸困難である、荒い呼吸をする
- breathing difficulty 呼吸困難{こきゅう こんなん}
- chief difficulty 主たる難点{なんてん}
- come with difficulty 困難{こんなん}が付きまとう
- coordination difficulty 協調運動障害{きょうちょう うんどう しょうがい}
- crowning difficulty 最大{さいだい}の困難{こんなん}
- degree of difficulty degree of difficulty 難度 なんど 難易度 なんいど
- determine the difficulty of ~の難易度{なんいど}を決定{けってい}する
- we are finding increasing difficulty of a hectare
1ヘクタールの土地が生産するカロリーを - are you experiencing difficulty with aggressive feelings ?
それは感じてるかね? - the difficulty of getting to know the true state
《本当の姿を知ってもらうことの 難しさを - and will face considerable difficulty communicating .
意思の疎通がむずかしくなる。 - was the difficulty of how you would predict the weather .
天気予報の難しさがあります - the problem becomes a whole new level of difficulty .
問題は格段に難しくなりました - the difficulty of getting to know the true state
本当の姿を知ってもらうことの 難しさを - although it's a surgery with high difficulty
今は 暗闇の中。 難易度の高い オペなのに➡ - symptoms include difficulty controlling movement .
脊髄小脳変性症とは運動失調を主な症状とする - that we would help people in difficulty in rwanda
- Noun
- an effort that is inconvenient; "I went to a lot of trouble"; "he won without any trouble"; "had difficulty walking"; "finished the test only with great difficulty"
Synonyms: trouble, - the quality of being difficult; "they agreed about the difficulty of the climb"
Synonyms: difficultness, - a factor causing trouble in achieving a positive result or tending to produce a negative result; "serious difficulties were encountered in obtaining a pure reagent"
- a condition or state of affairs almost beyond one''s ability to deal with and requiring great effort to bear or overcome; "grappling with financial difficulties"