- conserve the ~ of〔「~」の部分には red など具体的な色名が入る〕
- 保つ 保つ たもつ to keep to preserve to hold to retain to maintain to support to sustain
- つ つ 偸 steal
- 鮮やかな発色を保つ keep colors bright
- 交信を保つ 1. continue to communicate with 2. keep [stay] in touch [contact] with〔~と〕
- 伝統を保つ keep up a tradition
- 体型を保つ keep [stay] in shape [fit]
- 体形を保つ stay in good shape
- 体温を保つ 【形】 thermal
- 体裁を保つ 体裁を保つ v. keep up a front. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 体裁)
- 信頼を保つ sustain the credibility
- 個性を保つ preserve individuality
- 光沢を保つ preserve luster
- 円安を保つ keep the yen weak
- 冷静を保つ 1. get one's temper under control 2. keep one's coolness 3. remain unruffled 4. stay unruffled
- 列位を保つ be in station