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  • I know you must have a lot of things to do, but
  • あな     あな 穴 孔 hole
  • なた     1. chopper 2. frow / froe〈米〉 3. matchet
  • たが     たが 箍 hoop binding (e.g. of a barrel)
  • ぱい     ぱい 牌 tile (mah-jongg)
  • いな     いな 否 no nay yes well
  • こと     こと 古都 ancient city former capital 事 thing matter fact circumstances business
  • 十分     十分 じっぷん じゅっぷん 10 minutes じゅうぶん plenty enough sufficient satisfactory adequate
  • 承知     承知 しょうち consent acceptance assent admitting acknowledgment compliance
  • して     して 仕手 protagonist hero leading part
  • てい     てい 体 appearance air condition state form 剃 shave 偵 spy 停 stopping 弟 younger
  • いま     いま 今 now the present time just now soon immediately (one) more 居間 living room
  • ます     ます 升 枡 桝 斗 measure unit of volume (1.8l) square container, e.g. a box 鱒 trout
  • あなた     あなた 彼方 the other the other side there yonder that 貴女 you lady 貴方 you dear
  • いっぱ     いっぱ 一派 a school a sect a party
  • してい     してい 師弟 teacher and student 指定 designation specification assignment pointing at
  • いっぱい     いっぱい 一杯 a cup of a drink full to the utmost up to (one's income) a lot of much
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