- as the cheering died
- 喝采 喝采 かっさい acclamation
- やむ やむ 病む to fall ill to be ill 止む to cease to stop to be over
- と と if (conjunction) promoted pawn (shogi) (abbr) 斗 (a measure of volume) 18
- 拍手と喝采がやむのを待つ wait for the applause and cheering to die down
- 爆撃がやむと歩兵隊は前進した The infantry moved forward when the bombing stopped.
- 沸騰がやむ go off the boil
- 雨がやむ 1. clear off 2. the rain stops
- 嵐がやむのを待つ wait out the storm
- 拍手喝采がドッと沸き起こる erupt into cheers and applause
- 観衆から大きな喝采が湧き起こった A tremendous cheer rose up from the audience.
- 群衆から割れんばかりの拍手喝采が沸き起こる trigger a thunderous applause from the crowd
- 群衆から嵐のような拍手喝采が沸き起こる trigger a thunderous applause from the crowd
- 観衆から割れんばかりの拍手喝采が沸き起こる trigger a thunderous applause from the crowd
- 観衆から嵐のような拍手喝采が沸き起こる trigger a thunderous applause from the crowd
- 喝采 喝采 かっさい acclamation