- crawl reluctantly out of bed on a cold morning
- 寒い 寒い さむい cold (e.g. weather)
- いや いや 否 no nay yes well 厭 厭や 嫌 disagreeable detestable unpleasant reluctant
- やい やい interj. ?~, このドスが見えないのか I've got a knife here, baby!
- はい はい 拝 worship 俳 actor 佩 wear put on (sword) yes 肺 lung 灰 ash 配 disposition
- でる でる 出る to appear to come forth to leave
- る る 僂 bend over
- ベッド ベッド bed
- いやいや いやいや 嫌々 嫌嫌 厭厭 厭々 unwillingly grudgingly shaking head in refusal (to children)
- はいでる はいでる [這い出る] v. crawl out [自] (四つんばいで)はい出る creep out [自].
- 寒い朝に嫌々ベッドからはい出る crawl reluctantly out of bed on a cold morning
- いやいや いやいや 嫌々 嫌嫌 厭厭 厭々 unwillingly grudgingly shaking head in refusal (to children) 否々 否否 reluctantly by no means unwillingly
- いやいやの 【形】 1. grudging 2. loath 3. reticent
- いやいや(ながら) いやいや(ながら) [嫌嫌(ながら)] unwillingly reluctantly grudgingly. ▲She admitted (that) she was in the wrong. 彼女は自分が誤っていることを(いやいやながら)認めた. ◇→嫌嫌の,いやいやの,嫌嫌ながらの,いやいやながらの
- いやいや従う 【他動】 acquiesce