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  • I don't really think you should tell her about your feelings.
  • 彼女     彼女 かのじょ she girl friend sweetheart
  • あな     あな 穴 孔 hole
  • なた     1. chopper 2. frow / froe〈米〉 3. matchet
  • 気持     気持 きもち feeling sensation mood
  • 持ち     持ち もち hold charge keep possession in charge wear durability life draw usage
  • 話す     話す はなす to speak
  • 伝え     伝え つたえ legend tradition
  • える     える 得る 獲る to get to gain to win
  • べき     べき should (suf to verbs) must 冪 a power (math)
  • では     では then well so well then 出端 chance of going out opportunity (to succeed)
  • はな     はな 鼻 nose 洟 snivel nasal mucus snot 花 華 flower petal 端 end (e.g. of street)
  • ない     ない 亡い dead 無い there isn't doesn't have
  • いと     いと 糸 thread yarn string 異図 treasonable intent 意図 intention aim design
  • 思う     思う おもう to think to feel
  • 彼女に     【代名】 her
  • あなた     あなた 彼方 the other the other side there yonder that 貴女 you lady 貴方 you dear
  • 気持ち     気持ち きもち feeling sensation mood
  • 伝える     伝える つたえる to convey to report to transmit to communicate to tell to impart to
  • ではな     ではな 出鼻 projecting part (of a headland, etc.) outset starting out 出端 chance of
  • と思う     take it that〔that以下〕 …と思う 1 【他動】 call …と思う 2 1. see ~ as 2. take ~ to
  • あなたの     of yours
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