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"違い棚"の例文"違い棚" 意味"違い棚" 中国語の意味


  • 違い棚
    set of staggered shelves
  • 違い     違い ちがい difference discrepancy
  •      棚 たな shelves rack
  • 古い棚を取り外す    remove old shelves
  • 違い    違い ちがい difference discrepancy
  • 人違い    人違い ひとちがい mistaking one person for another
  • 仲違い    仲違い なかたがい discord breaking up (e.g. friendship)
  • 勘違い    勘違い かんちがい misunderstanding wrong guess
  • 品違い    1. wrong articles 2. wrong part
  • 喰違い    喰違い offset[化学]
  • 場違い    場違い ばちがい out-of-place inappropriate sticking out like a sore thumb
  • 対違い    対違い pair split[機械]
  • 径違いt    径違いT reducing tee[化学]; reducing tee[機械]
  • 心違い    心違い offset[機械]
  • 手違い    手違い てちがい mistake blunder
  • 桁違い    桁違い けたちがい off by a digit in a different league incomparable


  • Yagura ' is one of the chigai-dana types in the shoin-zukuri style (a traditional japanese style of residential architecture that includes a small alcove ).
  • Oshi-ita (a shallow decorative alcove , a predecessor of the tokonoma ) and chigai-dana were installed to display works of calligraphy , paintings and other ornaments .
  • A shoin (a study built in the shoin style ) is furnished with zashikikazari (a set of decorative features ), such as tokonoma (alcoves for the display of art objects ) (or oshi-ita ), chigai-dana (shelves built into the wall ), and tsukeshoin (a built-in table ).
  • The representative tokowakidana is ' chigai-dana ' (shelves built into the wall ), which is made by combining double-stage shelves , but depending on the owner ' s taste , other styles including ' tsuridana ' (a three small shelves hung from a large shelf ) are also employed .
  • People focused on the characteristic of kaisho having the tsukeshoin (a type of window ), chigaidana (a set of staggered shelves ), oshiita , the place to decorate with karamono and equipment that would lead to the later shoinzukuri (architecture of a study room ), but it is the adjoining small room that has those items .
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