- 【前】
- すぎ すぎ 杉 Japanese cedar 過ぎ past after
- すぎる すぎる 過ぎる to pass to go beyond to elapse to exceed
- しすぎる しすぎる 為過ぎる to overdo to do too much
- この宿題は私には難しすぎる This homework is too hard for me.
- ルーシーには難しすぎるだろう… That's too hard for Lucy.
- しすぎる しすぎる 為過ぎる to overdo to do too much
- ~しすぎる go too far in しすぎる → 過ぎる
- 心配しすぎる 【形】 overanxious
- 期待しすぎる pile too many expectations on〔~に〕
- 興奮しすぎる get over-excited
- 補正しすぎる 【自他動】 overcorrect
- このテストは私にはむずかしすぎる This test is too difficult for me.
- この教科書は私にはむずかしすぎる This textbook is too difficult for me.
- これ、買わなきゃよかった。あの子には難しすぎるわ。お宅の息子さん、これ使うかしら? I shouldn't have bought this. It's is too hard for him. Do you think your son would use this?
- そう。きっとこの子には難しすぎるのね。いいのよトミー。無理しないでいいの。 OK. Maybe this is too advanced for him. That's OK, Tommy. You don't have to try too hard.