- That means you lose your job, which means we have less income... I may have to look for a second job.
職場恋愛がうまくいかなくなったからって、仕事を辞めることはないじゃないの。会社は仕事するところよ。公私混同なんかしたらだめじゃない。: You don't quit your job just because your office romance goes south. Office is a place to work. Aren't you mixing business with pleasure?
おいおい、おまえ独身の頃は『亭主関白になるんだ』なんてこといってたのに、それじゃ、完全に尻に敷かれてるじゃないか。: Hey, when you were single, you always said that you were going to be the one in charge. But you're completely henpecked now.
どうしてそんなふうに考えるんだよ?あのなあ。彼女はおまえに対してこの上なく失礼だったんだぞ。理由が何であれ、おまえを無視するべきじゃなかったよ。おまえ、怒ってないのか?: How can you think like that? Look. She was absolutely rude to you. No matter what the reason was, she shouldn't have ignored you. Aren't you upset?
何作るんだよ!おまえオレには嘘つけないぜ。オレはおまえのルームメイトだったんだからな。忘れたか?おまえがピザとフライドポテトを作れるのは知ってる、それだけじゃないか!: What do you cook?! You can't lie to me. I used to be your roommate, remember? I know you can make pizza and French fries, but that's all!
「ずっと待ってたんだから」だって?冗談じゃねえよ!2~3度電話したけど、おまえ電話中だったじゃないか!どうせまた、友達とでもペチャクチャしゃべってたんだろう!: You made me wait all night, my ass!! I did call you a couple of times, but the line was busy! You must have been talking with your friend or something!
でも母さんがここに来たら、一部屋だけじゃあ暮らせないだろう… おまえ、働きに出ないか?働きたいって言ってたじゃないか。: But we can't live in just one room if she comes here... Why don't you start working? You said you wanted to work.
何を食べるか決めるのはおまえじゃない。パパが決めるんだ。だから今すぐ鶏肉とニンジン、食べなさい!: You are not the one who decides what you eat. I am the one who decides what you eat. Now, you eat your chicken and carrots right now!
仕事を探さないと怒る: scold someone for not finding a job〔人が〕
私は仕事を辞めることをためらっている: I'm hesitant about quitting my job.
収入が減る: 1. suffer a cut in income 2. suffer an income-cut
彼は仕事を辞めました: He left the job.
危ないからだよ。もしおまえがここに1人でいることを誰かが知ってしまったら、家に入ってこようとするかもしれないだろ。: Because it's not safe. If someone knows that you are here all by yourself, he may try to break into the house.
どうして辞めたの?別に君が悪いことしたわけじゃないんだから、君が辞める必要なかったのに。何の理由もなく、上司が意地悪だったんだろ?: Why? You didn't have to quit because you didn't do anything wrong. She was just mean to you for no reason, right?
いいか?おまえは週に3晩くらい出かけてるんだ。主婦として、それはちょっと多すぎないか?毎晩夕食作らなくちゃいけないんじゃないのか?: Look! You go out at least 3 nights a week. Isn't that a little too much for a housewife? Don't you need to make dinner every night?
今でも私にとってはおまえは小さなかわいい娘なんだ。: I still think of you as my little girl.