健康に問題はないという診断を受けて帰宅させられる: be sent home with a clean bill of health 指示を受けて帰宅させられる: be sent home with instructions to〔~するという〕 特に異常はない。: No serious effects are reported. 健康診断を受けさせる: provide physical checkups 健康診断を受ける: 1. go through the medical checkup 2. have [get, go in for, undergo] a checkup 3. have [get, go in for, undergo] a physical [medical] exam [examination, checkup] 4. have a medical 5. take a checkup 彼を説得して帰宅させた: We talked him into going home. 犯罪の非難を受ける覚えはないという: deny any accusations of wrongdoing 歯をなるべく健康に保つには、定期的な健康診断を受けられることが大切です。今回はそのお知らせです。: We would like to use this opportunity to remind you of the importance of regular check-ups for keeping your teeth in the best possible condition. 定期健康診断を受ける: have a regular checkup 年に1回健康診断を受ける: have a yearly checkup 彼の問題は人を納得させられないということだ。: His problem is that he can't sell it. 帰宅させる: 1. allow someone to go home 2. send someone home〔人を〕 定期的に健康診断を受けて健康管理をするよう医師は勧めている: Doctors recommend that people keep tabs on their health by getting regular medical check-ups. セクハラを受けているのは女性の方が圧倒的に多いという事実に変わりはない: The fact remains that a great many more women are sexually harassed than men. しかるべき刑事処分を受けさせられる: be subject to appropriate criminal