- I know you don't want to leave now, but we'll come back sometime soon.〔親→子〕
やりたくないのは分かるけど、笑って我慢しなきゃ。: I know you don't want to do it, but grin and bear it.
ヘルメット着けたくないのは分かるけど、でも着けないとダメなの。: I know you don't want to wear a helmet, but you have to.
ごめんね!着替えてくる。すぐ戻ってくるからね。: Sorry! Let me go change my clothes. I'll be right back.
すごく痒いのは分かるけど、なるべく掻かないでね。(皮膚が切れて)血が出ちゃうこともあるから。: I know it's really itchy, but try not to scratch. You could break the skin.〔親→子〕
彼に悪気がないのは分かるけど、はっきり言ってすげえむかついた: I know he doesn't mean any harm, but frankly I was pissed off.
私のことで怒ってるのは分かるけどさ、またやり直そうよ!: I know you are so mad at me, but let's start fresh!
お外に出て遊びたいのは分かるけど、雨降ってるのよ。それに雨はルーシーのせいじゃないでしょ。だからこの子に八つ当たりするのはやめなさい!: I know you want to go out and play, but it's raining. That's not her fault, is it? Stop taking it out on her.
面白そうなのは分かるけど、絶対手を入れないこと!: I know it looks interesting, but do NOT put your hand in there!〔親→子(ジューサーの使い方を教える)〕
こわいのは分かるけど、一度こつをつかんでしまえば、すごく楽しいよ: I know it's scary, but once you get into the swing of things, it's actually kind of fun.
コンビニ弁当ばかりじゃ体に良くないのは分かってるんだけど。: Of course I know it's not good for me to live on those convenience store dinners.
トミー、疲れてて今夜は勉強したくないのは分かるわよ。でも頑張って!あと4~5週間じゃない!試験終わったら好きなことしていいからね。: Tommy, I know you are tired and you don't want to study tonight but hang in there! There are only a few more weeks to go! After the exam, you can do whatever you want.〔親→子(受験)〕
「ルーシーがあんまりおしゃべりしないの。私が何か聞くと答えるけど、自分から話し掛けてくることはあまりないのよ」「心配ないって。保育園に行き始めれば、たくさん話すようになるわよ」: "Lucy doesn't talk much. She answers my questions, but doesn't talk to me very often." "Don't worry. Once she starts going to daycare, she'll talk a lot."〔主婦同士の会話(子どもがあまり話さない)〕
たばこは良くないっていうのは分かるけど、急にやめようとしない方がいいよ。体が慣れるように少しずつたばこの量を減らしていくのがいいよ: I know smoking is bad for you, but don't even try to go cold turkey. You should gradually decrease the amount of smoking so that you can adjust your body.
彼らがめちゃめちゃにしたのは分かるけど、そこまでとは思わないな: I know they messed up, but I wouldn't go that far.
あなたがもうここでは生活したくないことは分かっているけど、今の母の健康面を考えると私がここを離れることは出来ないのよ。: I know you don't want to live here again but with my mother's current health situation, it is impossible for me to re-locate.