- My brothers were having a terrible fight in the car, but my mother poured oil on troubled waters by saying they were both right.
男性たちが車の話を始めたので、スーは疎んじられた気がした: Sue felt alienated when the men started talking about cars.
お母さんの味方なの?もしお母さんがズボンはかないとしても、何も送り返してくることないじゃない!お母さんが好きなものと交換すればよかったのよ。そのために値段が見えない贈り物用レシートを入れたんだから!: Do you side with her? Even if she never wears pants, she didn't have to send them back to me! She could have exchanged them for something else, and that's why I put a gift receipt in the box.
「お母さんは、行ってもいいと言ったのかい」「駄目さ」: Did your mom say it was OK to go? "No dice."
試合中にけんかを始めたのはジョンだってことはみんな知ってるよ。おかげで僕たちは失格になっちゃったから、今やあいつの評判はがた落ちだよ: Everyone know that it was John who started the fight during the game. Now that we're disqualified, his name is mud.
頭の中で一通り終わりまでけんかをやってみる: play out an imaginary confrontation
あなたのお母さんから、あなたたちがレストランを開くって聞いたけど。本当なの?: I hear from your mom that you're going to open a restaurant. Is it true?
お母さん、どんどん悪くなってくわよ。どんどん私に敵意を見せ始めているし、すごく皮肉っぽくなってるし。もうお母さんとは一緒に暮らさない方がいいと思う。お母さんだって幸せじゃないだろうし、私だって幸せじゃないと思う。: She's getting worse, honey. She is getting more hostile and sarcastic to me. We shouldn't live with her any longer. She won't be happy, and I won't be happy, either.
私は大学の時に日本語の勉強を始めたんだけど、それだけでは十分じゃなかったのね。: I started studying Japanese when I was in college, but it wasn't enough.
僕の友人たちが--彼らは全員8月にサイパンに行くって決めたんだけど、ものすごい高いお金を払ってるんだ、でも彼らもすべてをやってほしいと思ってるみたい。: My friends are -- they've all decided to go to Saipan in August, but they're paying a lot of money, but I think that they want everything covered.
最近食べ始めたんだ。大好きってわけじゃないけど、おいしいと思うよ。: I just started trying it. I wouldn't say I love it, but it's good.
僕が最初に勉強した外国語って、実はフランス語だったんだけど、フランス語はかなりひどくてね、で、その後で勉強し始めたのは……高校生だったころなんだけど、ラテン語を勉強し始めたんだ。: The first foreign language I studied was actually French, but my French was very bad, so then I started studying ... around the time I was in high school, I started studying Latin.
でもキャシーんとこのお嬢さんは、英語のレッスンを受け始めたのよ!うちも何かしないと!: But Cathy's daughter started taking English lessons. We have to do something.
明日会社来られないかなあ?非常事態なんだよ。お母さんがすごく具合悪いからって、サムはお母さんのところだし、ウィルはまだ休暇から戻ってないんだ。ジョーが明日来るはずだったんだけど、ヨーロッパのお客のところにまだいるんだよ!: Will you come to work tomorrow? This is an emergency. Sam is out of town because his Mom is dying, and Will is not back from the vacation yet. Joe was supposed to come to work tomorrow, but he's sti
ほとんど資金がない状態で(人)がどのようにして事業を始めたのか: how someone started his business with virtually no money
今日学校で体育があったの。だから着替え始めたんだけど: We had gym today at school, so I started to change.