description 意味
- description n. 記述, 説明; 人相書の描写; 犯人像; 人物像; 種類.【動詞+】【+動詞】
- His descriptions of the wild birds of North America excel all others.
- Her description of the welfare system illuminates the need for reform.
- This description of the eruption of Vesuvius illustrates the devastating power of volcanoes.
- His description of the workhouses implies that there was a great deal of squalor beneath Victorian prosperity.
- We were much impressed by the description of the earth as seen during the first manned space flight.
- His description of the city offers a vivid picture of life in ancient Rome.
- Pepys's descriptions supply us with an accurate picture of London during the Great Plague.
【形容詞 名詞+】- Margaret Mead gives an animated description of life in American Samoa.
マーガレット ミードはアメリカ領サモアでの生活を生き生きと描写している
- The book is worth reading just for the author's enthusiastic description of life in the woods.
- You can be arrested for false or misleading description of goods under the laws against fraud.
詐欺を禁じている法律により不正な, もしくは誤解を招くような商品の説明をすると逮捕されることもありうる
- In future please send a full description of the items before dispatching them.
- Your mother seems to have come round; she gave me a glowing description of your husband .
あなたのお母さんは機嫌を直してくれたようですよ, あなたの夫のことをなにかとほめて私に話しましたから
- The best description I can give is to say that it looks like a gyroscope.
- Her leisurely description of the night life in Soho before the war had a charm of its own.
- There is a magnificent description of a sunrise in the opening passage of this book.
- Lamb is very good at rhapsodical descriptions of the delights of city life.
- She gave a distinctly unflattering description of the Prime Minister in her memoirs.
- The police have only a very vague description to go on―a tall blonde of about 50.
警察は捜査の手がかりとして, 50 歳ぐらいの背の高いブロンド女性というきわめてあいまいな材料しかもっていない
- I'm no good at verbal description; I need time to put my thoughts in order.
言葉で説明するのはへたなんです. 私は考えをまとめるのに時間がかかるものですから
【前置詞+】- How did a girl who was, by her own description, almost paralytically shy, summon the courage to organize such a major political campaign?
【+前置詞】- She was too distraught to give me a description of the missing child.
- For descriptions of the Georgian Period I recommend T. H. White's The Age of Scandal.
ジョージ王朝時代の世相を知りたいのなら私は T H ホワイトの?スキャンダルの時代?を勧める
- See Appendix 2 for a detailed description of how to set the automatic dialing.
自動ダイヤルのセットの仕方の詳しい説明は付表の 2 をご覧ください.
- His descriptions of the wild birds of North America excel all others.
- abridged description 簡略{かんりゃく}な説明{せつめい}
- accurate description 的確{てきかく}な描写{びょうしゃ}
- accusative of description 《文法》記述{きじゅつ}の対格{たいかく}
- ambiguous description 不明りょうな[明りょうでない]記載{きさい}
- answer the description 詳細{しょうさい}[年格好{としかっこう}や人相{にんそう}]に一致{いっち}する
- answer to the description 詳細{しょうさい}[年格好{としかっこう}や人相{にんそう}]に一致{いっち}する
- application description アプリケーション記述{きじゅつ}
- article of this description この手の品
- as to the description of the commodity 商品{しょうひん}の明細{めいさい}については
- basic description 基本的{きほんてき}な描写{びょうしゃ}
- basis for description basis for description 記述の基盤[その他]
- be beyond description be beyond description 筆舌に尽くし難い ひつぜつにつくしがたい
- beyond description 言い尽くせない、表現できないほどの、例えようのない、筆舌に尽くし難い、名状し難い The state of the boy's apartment was beyond (all) description. 少年たちのアパートの状態は言葉では言い尽くせないほどだった。
- bibliographic description bibliographic description 書誌記述[その他]
- body description 身体的特徴{しんたい てき とくちょう}
- there is no particular description about his achievement .
特に記録されていない。 - he fits the description of the victim's stalker
被害者は ストーカーの 被害届を出しており - we need to put together a description of your attacker .
犯人を探さないといけない - i object to that description . she was attacked .
その表現には抗議します 自己防衛ですよ - his description in each document is as follows .
それぞれの記述は以下のようになっている。 - jill can you give us a description ...
ジル 何かひと言もらえない? ジル こっちだ こっちを向いて - there is no description about this year in the tale .
この年は物語のなかに記述がない。 - there's a song about india , and there's a description
インドについて歌っている曲では - we could pull a few based off chaing's description .
チェングの話に信ぴょう性があれば - to paraphrase a description in the book , he says:
この本で彼は次の様なことを 述べています
- Noun
- sort or variety; "every description of book was there"
- a statement that represents something in words
Synonyms: verbal description, - the act of describing something