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  • …をしのんで
    in [to the] memory of O …を記念して, (人)をしのんで.
    (見出しへ戻る headword ? 偲ぶ)


  • I apologize for the trouble .
    をしのんで謝ってくれた 嫁さんを思い出して➡
  • To honor greta's memory
  • A memorial flower festival to reminisce about her is held on the third sunday in april , and tayu from shimabara visit here offering flowers to the visitors .
  • Iho-an: this rustic style teahouse , located behind the hojo and study , was constructed in the early modern period by a master of the tea ceremony shoeki haiya in memory of his wife yoshino dayu .
  • According to " nihonshoki " , emperor chuai intended to keep swans in the pond that surrounded the mausoleum in memory of his father , yamato takeru no mikoto , and ordered countries to present swans .
  • To commemorate his father yamato takeru no mikoto , who died in 113 and flew to heaven as a swan , he ordered every province to present some swans , and when ashikamino kamami wakenomiko , his younger half-brother , stole the swans presented by koshi province , he executed him .
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