During the bubble , a few were imported into japan . 超稀少。バブル期に日本が数台購入
My friends from the bubble economy days だけどさ バブル期を謳歌した 友人たちがな
My friends from the bubble economy days だけどさ バブル期を謳歌した 友人たちがな
It was established by a financial institution as a part of its diversified business during the era of taisho bubble economy . 大正バブル期に金融資本の多角経営の一事業として出発。
On the other hand , many ryokan have loyal customers who usually do not usually require banquets , and most of them were built before the bubble economy . 反面、宴会を主としない固定客を持つ者も多く、これらの多くはバブル期以前に建設された物が殆どである。
During the bubble economy , the law for development of comprehensive resort areas (resort law ) was enacted , and people planned to build golf courses , resort hotels and marinas in many places . バブル期は総合保養地域整備法(通称リゾート法)の制定もあり、各地にゴルフ場、リゾートホテル、マリーナ等が計画された。
Strangely , the tanrei dry boom ended around the same time when japan ' s economy was restored from the heisei great recession which was a reaction to the bubble economy in the first quarter of 2006 . 奇しくもバブル期の揺り戻しであった平成大不況から2006年第一四半期に抜け出るとほぼ同時ごろに淡麗辛口ブームも終焉した。
Although there were many rejections of boarding during the years of the asset-inflated economy , the number of cases where taxi drivers intentionally rejected offers of boarding is becoming less under recent social conditions . バブル期において乗車拒否が多く見受けられていたが、昨今の社会状況において、乗務員が意図的に乗車拒否をすることは少なくなってきている。
The japanese who put more value on ' owning ' rather than the ' taste ' of the beverage itself in the bubble period made desperate efforts to buy wine which was ' cultural , stylish and high graded ' beverage . 飲料そのものの「味」よりも、それを「所有すること」に価値を置いたバブル期の日本人は、「文化的でオシャレで上等な飲み物」ワインを購入することに狂奔したのである。
There is also a theory that it was a tactic ' to discharge people ' s accumulated complaints ' plotted by bakufu (japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) to avoid social disruption by the oppressed people suffering aftereffects of the bubble economy in the edo period . 江戸のバブル期後の抑圧された世相の打ち壊しを避けるために幕府が仕掛けた「ガス抜き」であったという説もある。