- Your cram school starts tomorrow and you'll have to go there without me.
今日、うちの娘の誕生日なの。それで保育園で誕生会があるのよ。だから保育園に行かないといけないの。: Today's my daughter's birthday, and she's having a birthday party at her daycare. So I gotta go there.
明日、ちょっとだけ遅めに出社できるかなあ?私、明日は8時半に医者に行かないといけないの。だからキムを学校に連れて行けないのよ。: Can you go to work a little later than that tomorrow? I have a doctor's appointment at 8:30, so I can't take Kim to school.
もう家に帰ったよ。塾に行かないといけないんだって。: They already went home. They had to go to cram school.
パパは出張でシカゴに行かないといけないのよ。でも週末に帰ってくるから。: Daddy has to go to Chicago on business but he'll be back this weekend.
1時間待たないといけないのよ。それでも乗りたいの?: We have to wait for an hour. Do you still want to ride this?
そうね。でもたくさん練習しないといけないのよ。それでもいいの?: Right. But you'll have to practice a lot. Do you want to do that?
それが時間ないんだよ。これから会議に行かないといけないんだ。5時以降ならここにいるよ。: Actually, no. I have to go to a meeting from now. I should be here after 5 today.
そうね。トミーも悪いけど、ルーシーも悪いのよね。だから二人を平等にしからないと。: OK. Tommy is wrong, but Lucy is also wrong. So I should scold both of them equally.〔親が子どもについて話す〕
ルーシー、いい?動物は生きているのよ。あなたと同じで、寝たり食べたりするし、おしっこやうんちもするの。ちゃんと世話してあげないといけないのよ。でもママは、あなたはまだ小さいからちゃんと世話できないと思うのよ。: You know, Lucy. Animals are alive. They eat, sleep, pee and poop just like you. They are not like dolls. You have to take good care of them. I don't think you are old enough to do that.
ううん。毎日じゃないわ。水曜日は早く会社に行かないといけないから、何か買わせるの。: No. Not every day. I tell him to buy something on Wednesdays because I have to go to work early.
二つの学校にお迎え行かないといけないの?面倒くさいなあ!: I have to go to two schools to pick them up? What a pain!〔親が子どもについて話す〕
やっぱり全部答えないといけないのよね。面倒くさい!: I guess I have to answer all her questions. What a pain!〔親が子どもからのたくさんの質問に関して〕
うわ… これ、全部書かないといけないの?: Gee... I have to fill out all of this?
うん、そうらしいよ。講義をしないといけないから、行かなきゃなあ。: Yeah, I guess. I'm supposed to give a lecture there, so I gotta go.
「ママー!これ食べたくないよ!ママー!」「いいかげんにしなさい!あなたが食べたいか食べたくないかなんてどうでもいいの。食べないといけないのよ!」: "Mommy! I don't want to eat this! Mommy!" "Enough, already! I don't care if you want to eat it or not. You have to eat it."〔子→母〕