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grind 意味

発音記号:[ graind ]  読み方
動詞 過去形: ground   動詞 過去分詞: ground   名詞 複数形: grounds   動詞 現在分詞: grinding   


  • a grind    a grind がり勉 我利勉 がりべん
  • grind on    どんどん進行する、(いやなことが)長い間続く
  • to grind    to grind 研ぎ澄ます とぎすます 摩る 摩する さする 磨ぐ 研ぐ とぐ
  • ax to grind    思惑{おもわく}
  • axe to grind    《an ~》痛い目、懲らしめ I have an axe to grind with you. 痛い目に遭わせてやる
  • bump and grind    {名} : 腰をくねくね動かすこと、腰を突き出したり回したりすること -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {自動-1} : 腰をくねくね動かす、腰をグイッと突き出したり回したりする Her hips began to bump and grind. The dancer
  • daily grind    毎日の決まりきった仕事
  • drip grind    ドリップ?グラインド、細かく挽いたドリップコーヒー用の豆
  • easiness to grind    easiness to grind 練和性[化学]
  • examination grind    試験勉強{しけん べんきょう}、受験地獄{じゅけん じごく}、試験地獄{しけん じごく}
  • fineness of grind    fineness of grind 磨砕度[化学]; 練磨度[化学]
  • greasy grind    課外活動をしないがり勉
  • grind a knife    ナイフを研ぐ
  • grind a lens    レンズを磨く
  • grind away    くそ勉強する、猛勉強をする


  • and it's supposed to be , what , a miserable grind
  • until our joints quite literally grind to a halt .
  • as a result , every time we weld or grind the material
  • all you ever do is grind your teeth . you're so tense ...
  • if you grind down paris to that kind of accuracy
  • and how i have to grind all my ink from now on .
    それに 今から墨を磨らなきゃなんだ
  • so i gave them an assassin with an axe to grind .
    そこで、それにピッタリの 暗殺者を提供してあげた
  • peeta , get the snow . i'll grind the herbs .
    ピーターは雪をお願い 私は薬草を潰す
  • it doesn't matter what kind of sediment you're using to grind up
  • not to mention how i have to grind all my ink from now on .
    それに 今から墨を磨らなきゃなんだ
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • the act of grinding to a powder or dust
    Synonyms: mill, pulverization, pulverisation,

  • hard monotonous routine work
    Synonyms: drudgery, plodding, donkeywork,

  • the grade of particle fineness to which a substance is ground; "a coarse grind of coffee"

  • an insignificant student who is ridiculed as being affected or boringly studious
    Synonyms: swot, nerd, wonk, dweeb,

  • Verb
  • reduce to small pieces or particles by pounding or abrading; "grind the spices in a mortar"; "mash the garlic"
    Synonyms: mash, crunch, bray, comminute,

  • make a grating or grinding sound by rubbing together; "grate one''s teeth in anger"
    Synonyms: grate,

  • press or grind with a crushing noise
    Synonyms: crunch, cranch, craunch,

  • shape or form by grinding; "grind lenses for glasses and cameras"

  • created by grinding; "grind designs into the glass bowl"

  • dance by rotating the pelvis in an erotically suggestive way, often while in contact with one''s partner such that the dancers'' legs are interlaced

  • work hard; "She was digging away at her math homework"; "Lexicographers drudge all day long"
    Synonyms: labor, labour, toil, fag, travail, drudge, dig, moil,

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